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Found 6 results

  1. So this will be a shot in the dark. My grandparents passed away a while back, I want to get their Hebrew names tattooed on me. When I was designing the tattoo I thought it would be cool to have it in their handwriting. The issue with that is I only have their handwriting in english, does anyone know of a way to convert each of their unique handwriting to Hebrew? Or will I just have to use a font?
  2. Hello, I'm excited to share "Tanakh Read Along" with you. It's a free iOS/Android app that uses AI and machine learning to let you listen to the Hebrew Bible while following along with the text in a karaoke-style format. All the Tanakh books are available to listen to. Here's a video that demonstrates how it works: iOS: https://youtu.be/m9wTEcd2znU Android: https://youtu.be/9sEoQN_futw The app is available for download here: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tanakh-read-along/id1602014230 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=murillo.cjr.tanakhreadalongapp More information on the entire project may be found here: https://murillocjr.github.io/tanakh-read-along-site/
  3. Hello, I am very interested in developing my English speaking skills. I have a proposal in which I teach you Arabic and you teach me English. I do not want to learn grammar and other things, I just need to assign few hours a week for practicing speaking. Only native or high-level speakers of English are warmly welcomed to contact me. Thanks Imad
  4. The song is "haverot shelah" by Omer Adam. I'd just like a transliteration of this song into the english alphabet but still in hebrew. The song lyrics is an image I've attached to this post. Thanks!
  5. Hi all! I am new here and hoping to provide value, I wanted to create a post showing you guys the programs and books I have used to aid in learning the many languages I know, I am a polyglot:) I 100% believe immersion is the most important, but if you are learning any of these languages, and can afford the books or courses, give them a shot, they all have helped me/are helping me tremendously. Much love to all! ALL LANGUAGES/GENERAL: Fluent FOREVER Fluent in Three Months (book) Rosetta Stone! Instant Immersion (Many languages) APPS I USE: DUOLINGO, MEMRISE, QUIZLET. SPANISH: Synergy Spanish Learning Spanish Like Crazy Rocket Spanish Accelerated Spanish (book) Language Hacking Spanish (book) Living Language Spanish FRENCH: Rocket French Language Hacking French (book) Living Language French ARABIC: Rocket Arabic Living Language Arabic Pimsleur Arabic CHINESE: Rocket Chinese Living Language Chinese JAPANESE: Rocket Japanese Razi Sensei (Aprende desde español) THAI: Thai Alphabet in 60 Minutes Pimsleur Thai Read Thai In 10 Days ITALIAN: Rocket Italian Language Hacking Italian Living Language Italian GERMAN: Rocket German Living Language German RUSSIAN: Rocket Russian Living Language Russian OTHER MISC LANGUAGES (friends have used them with great results): Rocket Sign Language Practical Hebrew Rocket Korean Rocket Hindi Rocket Portuguese Things I have used for mindset, time, focus, and success, that have all helped me on my language learning journey!:) Success Mind Academy (Mindset) Super Brain Mind Power (Mindset) Six Minutes To Success (Mindset) Magic In Your Mind (Mindset) The Action Machine (Procrastination/Time Management) Zen Meditation (Meditation/Focus) Seven Minute Mindfulness (Meditation/Mind) Much love and good luck on your language learning adventures!!! <3 -polyglot88
  6. There's a post that speaks about some of the basics of Hebrew, however, there's nothing about pronunciation. I was wondering if anyone on here speaks it. I know very small amount of pronunciation, like how the CH has that very specific sound, but beyond that I'm stumped. Are there any tips you can give someone with near nonexistent exposure to the language? I'm mainly concerned with pronunciation of the words.
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