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FLIP, with its unique matching algorithm, connects college students with linguistic/cultural interests with other native students of the same cohort for an online language exchange experience! Make friends who are natives to your language of interest! 1. Only certified college/university students! FLIP goes through a rigorous vetting process among verified applicants (enrolled undergraduate students, graduate students, students graduated in last 5 years) to create a safe and productive learning community. 2. Finding the best match specific to you! Our matching process uses a combination of AI based algorithm and human reviewers to match you with the best partner that fits your personality and situation. The algorithm is updated and optimized with over 370 user feedback from the 1st and 2nd FLIP beta-test. 3.At your most convenient time and place! All you need to do is select your preferred times in your own time zone! FLIP converts the times and matches you with a partner with overlapping times in their time zone. You can meet with native speakers anywhere you would like with a laptop and internet connection. 4.An assortment of conversation topics and questions! We provide you with weekly updated recommendations of unique and interesting topics and questions so you never run out of things to say and learn few thing in the way so pack your bags and apply today! Check us out:
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What Are Grammar Cards? Imagine tiny helpers that break down those tricky German grammar rules into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces. That's what grammar cards are! Each card focuses on one grammar point using the Visual Tag System, showing you how it's used with examples. It's like having a cheat sheet for German grammar. Why They Rock 🎸 Super Simple: No more getting lost in textbook pages. Grammar cards get straight to the point. Always Ready: You can use them anytime, anywhere. Waiting for a bus or during a lunch break? Grammar card time! Makes It Stick: Seeing rules on these cards over and over helps them stick in your brain without even trying too hard. How to Use Them 📚 Pick a Card, Any Card: Start with one grammar point you find tricky. Read and Repeat: Go over the card a few times. Say it out loud if you can! Make Your Own Sentence: Use the rule to make a new sentence. It helps lock in what you've learned. Mix and Review: Don't just stick to one card. Mix them up and review often to keep things fresh. Download Grammar cards app
Ì´m a 16yo boy and I prefer talking via Skype
Hi guys, I am a new member of this forum. I am currently proficient in English and Hindi and also soon to be a graduate of Mass Communication. As of now, I am pursuing a certificate course in German and Urdu from the Delhi University which completes in March and will take me to A2 level. I have exactly one year from now to increase my skills in the language. My main purpose for joining this forum is to: 1) Find out where I can apply to pursue any one or both of these languages for the next one year. 2) What career choices become available to me with the given qualification, within India or abroad. Feedback would be much appreciated.
TEST YOUR GERMAN Here you can find out how good your German is: Are you just starting out, are you advanced or already a professional? This test gives you an initial idea of how well you understand written and oral German texts and how good your grammar and vocabulary skills are. German learning Test and exam examples for training and practice TESTEN SIE IHR DEUTSCH Hier können Sie herausfinden, wie gut Ihr Deutsch ist: Stehen Sie am Anfang, sind Sie fortgeschritten oder schon Profi? Dieser Test gibt Ihnen eine erste Orientierung, wie gut Sie schriftliche und mündliche deutsche Texte verstehen und wie gut Ihre Grammatik- und Wortschatzkenntnisse schon sind.
TL: German NL: Greek Skype, email, other chat app
Niemand posted a topic in Language Exchange Corner
Hi, I am a complete beginner in German. Seeking a buddy to help me get off the ground. I can help with Greek or to a lesser degree with English. Thanks in advance -
Hi! I'm D, female from the Philippines! I'm seriously looking for a female language buddy who wants to learn German with me. I think I'm high A1. If you're a beginner no problem. We will share learning references. Write me why and how serious you are of learning this language and of course a little bit about you. You must speak English (you don't have to be fluent) and can make time every week for voice/video chat (for our practice). I'm learning German because it is my dream to do a volunteer year there. My time is just as valuable as yours so please I hope you have a serious reason why you're learning it too.
I am a college student that is eager to learn German! I would really love to chat/Skype with someone that can help me with my German and likewise I can help with English! Anyone who is friendly, fun and not afraid to make mistakes would be an awesome language partner! Skype is perfect but also WhatsApp can work as well no problem Best Regards, Mitch
Please help me translate this newspaper magazine text from German to English. Just translate. Then I will try to analyze each sentence one by one. Thank you in advance, I'm new here, it's great to be here ;D
What is Lingodeer? Many of you might be familiar with the app called "Duolingo." Lingodeer is very similar, but alongside the same style of gamified lessons that Duolingo provides: Lingodeer offers professionally made grammar notes on every single skill, features full native audio recordings on every word and sentence, has built in grammar review features, has a global leaderboard (And friends leaderboard) for competition, features video stories at the end of every skill, has built in pronunciation practice (Sentence shadowing capabilities), and features 10 languages to learn (with Italian on the way) taught in 13 languages. The app is available on iOS and Android. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me (I run their online forums as volunteer work and have followed the app since it was released, I have also completed the first half of Japanese and Korean on the app).
Hello everybody. My name is Mariusz Suder. I'd like to present a new universal, speaking program for learning any language Speaking Teacher AB3 There are already a lot of prepared tests for practicing and learning: English, Polish, German and Russian. Tests for any other languages can be written on your own Speaking Teacher has its own editor. Another program's feature is possibility to operate in special mode for blind. To fully use this application SAPI5 voices are required (visit my site to install) Speaking Teacher AB3 fully functional test version is on: and can be downloaded from (here's the direct link):
- accessible for blind
- for blind
- (and 7 more)
Hi everyone! I just heard about this new app from a friend. I am an au pair in Munich right now so I am of course attempting to learn German, even though so far I think it's not an easy language! The app is called and the idea is that you learn German by reading books in German. It is an application for iPad only right now and it's geared towards kids, but as an adult trying to learn German, it's still a fun way to learn German. For now the app is free and you have access to lots of different books with cute little animations and different levels of difficulty. If you download and try it out, let me know what you think. So far, I think it's a really cool idea!
german How would you solve this exercise? (German)
Rookie posted a topic in German Language | Discussion
Ordne den Dialog. Schreib die Zahlen von 1 bis 7: __Na ja, sie ist ganz nett. __Also ich finde den Mantel super. __Den Mantel finde ich doof. Aber ich finde die Jacke toll. 1 Wie findest du den Mantel da?. __Den Mantel? Na, ich weiß nicht. __Ich möchte lieber den Mantel. __Nett? Die ist super. Die möchte ich haben. -
Hello, people. This is my first post on this forum. Please bear with me; I am currently 21 years old and from Norway. I have had German in school for a total of 6 years, and I am way above the expected level. I have already passed both a C1-course from the Goethe-Institute as well as a DSH-test from a German university with the grade of DSH-3 (top grade). Now my ''problem'' is the following; I really want to study medicine. And I really want to study medicine in Germany. I have quite good grades from High School, but I still need to add a few subjects to be able to apply for Medical School in Germany. So I have decided to enlist in the norwegian army. This enlistment will allow me to pursue the subjects I need, BUT; and this is basically the whole point of the thread; I wont be able to start medical school and thus move to Germany before after five years (Which means I'll be 26-27 when I move there). This petrifies me, as I am afraid that I won't have the same ability to learn German and properly immerse at that age as opposed to now. I really like Germany, so I would seriously consider to stay there , but I would like to learn the language as good and fluent/perfect as possible. Is this even possible at that age? I am not looking for motivational ''you can do ANYTHING!! :)'' kind of speeches, but more objective answers from experiemantal and/or''scientific'' points of view; please be realistic. And of course - in situations of uncertainty, like these, nothing is better than a story of success! Thank you in advance!
Allo, everyone. Yes, that is indeed from one of my favorite sitcoms, like, ever (Allo' allo'). Great show. Those Brits sure know their historical comedy. Anyway, my name is Henrik. I'm a Swede expatriated to the United States (straight into the Bible Belt. Culture shock!) by way of marriage. Before that, I spent my time in the Swedish Army, lastly in the Royal Guards. In my free time I like to chase after vintage suits and clothes. It's one of my big hobbies in life, inspired by my time in the Royal Guards. I also, tied to this, have a collection of vintage cufflinks, currently numbering roughly 110 pairs. Now, more to the subject at hand; Learning languages. My father, whom I for a very long time didn't have any contact with, I reconnected with a couple of years ago. While I grew up in Sweden, he is now a German citizen and lives in Bad Grönenbach. I love that place. I have never seen any more beautiful country than southern Germany. Gawd. So, anyway, I've played around with it less seriously before, and before that tried to learn it in school but ended up mostly sleeping through class. Now I want to seriously learn German. I already speak Swedish obviously (and obviously English), and because Swedish and German stem from the same archaic language tree somewhere down the line I can recognize a lot of the words. But it's still difficult for me, especially the grammar. I'm planning to get DuoLingo (again) on my tablet, and read one of the ol' "Learn German in X amount of days" books. I'm also planning to try and speak German here and give translating the occasional Der Spiegel article a whirl just for fun. That sort of thing. Somewhere far down the horizon I'm rolling around the idea of learning to speak more languages after German, too. Maybe Russian. But one language at a time! Anywho, I look forward to talking to you guys. Wish me all the luck I'll need!
Hi everyone! I'm native Finnish speaker, currently studying German, Swedish, Japanese and French. I'm 24 years old and live in Finland. I became interested in different languages, because of my job. I'm studying to become classical vocal teacher and I'm going to graduate next month. As a classical singer I've been performing songs in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Finnish and English. Right now I wish to focuse my language studies to German, because it's the most important language for my career. Nice to meet you!
Hallo, Leute! Ich will mein Schriftdeutsch zu üben und ich werde meistens täglich die Sätze tippen. Korrigier bitte meine Fehler. (Should I type „Korrigier ihr bitte“ if I politely ask several people?) Feel free to express any criticism and suggestions for improvement. Danke! 14.12.2017 Gestern Morgen ich besuchte ein Einstellungsgespräch. Personalleiterin aufgeführt sich ziemlich wahnsinnig und nicht bekannt gab Gehalt der angebotene Stelle. Dann ich ging zur Arbeitsamt weil vorgestern ich vergass da eines Dokument. Und danach ich besuchte noch ein Arbeitgeber weil ich war zu dem nachsenden bei (or von?) Beamtin des Arbeitsamt. (Should I indicate gender of a person in cases when some civil servant is a woman or it would be appropriate to say “Beamte”. Would it be correct to say “Arbeitsamt Beamtin“?) I named the MS Word document in which I type this “Die Übung des schriftlicher Ausdruck“. Are there any errors in the name? 15.12.2017 Heute Mittag ich bei Stellenangebote rief an. Ich mir mit zwei Arbeitgebern verabredet sein. Später ich das Geschirr abwaschen liess. Dann, während des Essens, mir eine Television Serie sah an. Zur Abschluss des Tages, ich besuchte ein Lebensmittelgeschäft und Deutsch studierte. 16.12.2017 Ich verbrachte vier Stunde zu einem Einstellungsgespräch gehen. Inhaber des Flieseladen hat angeboten mir eine Stelle, aber der Beginn der Arbeit ist nach Neujahr, in Januar. Das ist nicht so gut weil ich zöge vor morgen zu arbeiten zu anfangen. P. S. How to turn off the spellchecking on this forum? It underlines all the text that not in English. How to avoid skipping a line after each pressing of the enter key? This way it looks quite ugly.
Hi, everyone! I'm native Russian speaker, just started to learn German (few months) and want to have practice, also i'm fluent in English I can also help with learning of Russian!
Hi I need to write a text in german and i was wondering in anyone could read it and point out any problems with the grammar or sentences. I am a beginner in german and i wanna write a very simple text (simple sentences). I havent really figured out how to write umlauts on my keyboard so bear with me. (I suck with computers :-) ) Meine Reise nach Dublin. Sommer sind ich und meine Familie nach Dublin gefahren. Mein erste Tag in Dublin war viel spaB. Um 9 Uhr wecken ich habe fruhstuck. Nach den fruhstuck sind wir zuruck zu der Zimmer gegangen. Um 12 Uhr haben wir in der Stadt (shoppen?). Wir haben viele kleidung und Souvinieren gekauft. Darauf haben wir in einen gute Restaurant gegessen. Es war sehr gut essen. Darauf haben wir ein Tourist tour mitgenehmen. Wir haben viele gesehen. Wir haben Molly Malone statue, St. Patrick kirche und der posthause gesehen. wir haben auch einen Boot entlang der Flut Liffey genehmen. Es war echt cool! Darauf sind wir nach den Hotel zuruck gegangen. Meine Schwester und ich haben in der pool gebadet. Das wasser war warm und schön. Am Abend sind wir ins Kino gegangen. Wir haben Tarzan mit Alexander Skarsgård gesehen. Er ist ein Swedische Schauspieler. Der Film war sehr gut!. Nach der Film sind meine Schwester und ich nachtclub gegangen. wir haben viel stundenlang getanzt. Wir war totmude wenn wir ins Bett gegangen. Meine Reise nach Dublin war wunderbar und ich will bald zuruck fahren. I really hope i havent butchered your language :-)
Hello, will you help me to correct and figure out the language rule in this sentence below? I wrote this today: "Ach ja, ein zarte Mann mit Harfe ist sehr nett ein Bild." Then, thinking about the sentence, and the fact that "nett" is modifying the noun "Bild", I changed it to this: " ... ein zarte Mann mit Harfe ist sehr nettes ein Bild." Since the adjective is coming before the noun, does it take the -es ending? May it even be: " ... ein zarte Mann mit Harfe ist sehr nett eines Bild"? Can you help me to correct this sentence, and help me to understand the language rule at work? - Also, as an aside inquiry: I am a man, but a partly feminine man. Somehow, I feel odd to express "Ach ja". Is this generally more of a man's expression, if speaking purely culturally about Germanic nations? In my head, I imagine it is to be uttered in a gruffer, manlier kind of voice, and cannot really hear it in my own voice, which is soft for a man, and still quite boyish even into my late 20s. I do not know if this matters, but it is kind of interesting to me.
Hi! I'm Ryan, 17 years old from the US. My main goal is to learn German, preferably from a native speaker, but if you're fluent I'd gladly accept your help I can help you learn English in exchange too, as it's what I'm fluent in. If you're interested please leave a response, thanks!
The first course here for learning German in Arabic. this is the first lesson in the playlist on youtube which contains the alphabet.
- german
- learn german in arabic
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Can you help me translate this sentence to german: My old sorrows have come back to haunt me.
Hello, i am looking for a little bit of help. If anyone can offer some that would be great. a very good friend of mine has just had a baby and his wife is german. I am looking to buy them a picture that says dream big lukas. but I would like to get it done in german. Could anyone translate it correctly for me? I have found three different translations on the internet. many thanks ade