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  1. Hello! I'm Deniz, 17 years old with a not-so great memory. I do have the motivation for learning another language, but not really the time as I am taking college and high school classes. I was thinking thirty minutes a day for seven days a week sounds like a plan. That's 168 hours per year; 3 hours 30 minutes / per week. If I were diligent, the numbers would be higher. Do you think 30 minutes is impractical? I don't have to be fluent in the third language, but I would like to be proficient. I speak fluent English as it is my native tongue and I know a good chunk of Turkish, though I should seek improvement. It is my second language; my parents speak fluent Turkish. I live in USA, Texas. Majority of the people in my school are Spanish-speaking. If I were to learn Mexican-Spanish, it would benefit me as most hiring jobs pick the person that knows both Spanish and English over the person that knows only English. It is also the 2nd most spoken language. I will be taking college Spanish 1 and 2 during the summer as it is a requirement for my Associate's degree. I'm not at all interested in the language itself, even though I have many close friends who speak Spanish. I rather learn any other language, but I do realize the benefits of Spanish. However, I'm a sucker for Korean dramas as I have watched at least 220+ Korean dramas (consisting of 16-120 episodes that are an hour each). I have picked up a few Korean phrases, but I'm no where near a beginner level of the Korean language. I adore the language and I would love to learn Korean, especially since I plan to visit Seoul once I am in my 20's. Another thing is that my father speaks Persian (Farsi). It is his native tongue, however he only speaks English and Turkish around the house. If I were to ask him to practice Persian with me, I know he would be willing to. Though, he does not know how to read or write the language because he forgot over time. All of my dad's side speaks Persian, so I would be able to get closer to them. I am interested in learning either Korean, Persian (Farsi) or Mexican-Spanish. Based off the languages I already know and the background knowledge you know of me, which language do you think would be easier for me to learn? Or the best, in your opinion and why.
  2. I have created this app called: Beelinguapp, i think it is the most useful tool, with it you can hear and read texts in 2 languages side by side, using your native language as a reference. This has helped me with my german quite a lot to achieve a great level. It has some short children stories and also some interesting books and new articles. Please give me feedback about it and I will add it to the app to improve it! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.david.android.languageswitch
  3. My app Beelinguapp shows texts in two different languages side by side, and it is an audiobook at the same. It shows a karaoke animation to follow the audio. It has been getting some track lately and I would love to get some feedback! You can download it here (Android only for now): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.david.android.languageswitch
  4. I'm not sure if this is allowed. I am working with a freelance company (OneSpace) to identify freelance workers to assist with a project. We need people to transcribe audio files (no translation needed). There are multiple roles for each language needed. The project begins on 2/1 and is flexible work. You would work from home. All you need is a PayPal email address to be paid as your work is completed. To be considered, I can send you a 1-minute audio file to be transcribed. We are open to considering people without previous transcription experience as long as they have the necessary language skills. Thank you! Emily
  5. Of all the apps I have used I have found Beelinguapp the most useful, you can hear and read texts in 2 languages side by side, using your native language as a reference. This has helped me with my german quite a lot to achieve a great level. It has some short children stories and also some interesting books and new articles. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.david.android.languageswitch
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