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An adventure of Don Manuel :-)


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Greetings, all!


I am new here, and very new to the Spanish language. When it comes to language learning, I have my own, peculiar methods - namely, I play with the language and ask people for feedback. So, if you feel like it, I would be grateful for any mistakes you can point in this short, fictional letter I have written. I copy it here, first in English, then in my pathetic attempt to use Spanish (with dictionaries and Google Translate :D ). Have fun!


Dear madam Lucita!
We do not know each other, but I hope you will forgive me the small trick I used to get this message to you. I saw you this morning in the Catedral de Santa María de la Encarnacíon. For me, time stopped for a moment. A mysterious voice told me to try to contact you. Although my intentions are pure, should you consider this improper, burn this letter and you will never hear of me again. However, should you gratiously wish to listen to me, your servant knows where to find me.
Your humble servant,
Don Manuel of Almería



Querida Señorita Lucita!

Tu no me conoces, pero espero que me perdones un pequeño truco al que recurrí para darte un mensaje. Te vi en la Catedral de Santa María de la Encarnacíon esta mañana. Por un momento para mí el tiempo se deturo. Una voz misteriosa me dijo que tratara de contactarme contigo. Aunque mis intenciones son puras, si lo consideras impertinenta, quema esta carta y no volveras a saber de mi. Sin embargo, si me escucharan amablemente, tu sirviente saba dónde encontrarme.

Un humilde servidor,
Don Manuel de Almería



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On 1/8/2020 at 12:19 AM, Sachin said:

Greetings, all!


I am new here, and very new to the Spanish language. When it comes to language learning, I have my own, peculiar methods - namely, I play with the language and ask people for feedback. So, if you feel like it, I would be grateful for any mistakes you can point in this short, fictional letter I have written. I copy it here, first in English, then in my pathetic attempt to use Spanish (with dictionaries and Google Translate :D ). Have fun!


Welcome to Linguaholic! I wish you all the best on your journey to Spanish mastery. I am also going down that road soon. My Spanish is at almost 0 right now, though. 


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