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German (Online) Newspapers

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If you would like to polish your German-skills, you might want to read some German Newspapers online. The following link provides a comprehensive list with links to German (online) newspapers.


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That's a very useful link. Indeed newspapers are a very good way of immersing yourself in a real life grammatically correct piece of written German. Whilst it might not get you all the colloquialisms it certainly is the best form of immersion for the standard written language

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is a great list, and a great help for people learning German.

But I would like to tell those who think they should look at them for grammar help, corrections etc, that this can be a false friend!

I am a German in the USA, and I am reading German news online everyday, to keep the contact to me country, to keep informed about what's going on etc. The decline of writing skills in the ONLINE magazines is scary!

I know that many others who care about good grammar are also upset and disturbed about this. Nowadays you don't need to have good grammar skills to become an online writer.

SpOn (Spiegel online) is such a disaster, for example. I hear from others that the printed magazine (that you would have to pay for!) is still of good quality, but the free online issue is really a disaster for linguists. They often ignore the Dativ, have never heard of genetive cases, and in general their skills are below what you would expect.

Now while I am cringing at their poor writing, a student still learning might not notice this and might even pick up some wrong things there that will embarrass him in later situations elsewhere!

Please keep this in mind!

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Thank you for this reminder MoonshineSally!

Spiegel Online is certainly not of very high quality, that is true. Which newspaper would you recommend then? I personally like sueddeutsche.de and Die ZEIT (www.zeit.de). My favorite is www.nzz.ch (as my nationality is Swiss) What are your favorites MoonshineSally?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This seems like a really good idea! I've been wanting to stay more informed about the news anyhow, so why not practice my German while I'm at it? Do you have a preference of which news site you like to use? I think this will also help me expand my vocabulary. Thank you for this idea.

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