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Language Certificates // German // Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD)

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Language Certificates: German  // Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD)

There are a few useful language certificates for the german language. Let's start with the ZD (Zertifikat Deutsch).

This certificate has proven its validity over years and is recognized as proof in many different situations.

The (ZD) is the result of a collaboration between the world famous Goethe Institute, the Österreichischem Sprachdiplom (ÖSD), the WBT (Weiterbildungs-Testsysteme gGmbH) and the Schweizer Erziehungsdirektorenkonferenz (EDK) from Switzerland.

The Zertifikat Deutsch exam is for adult learners of German, no matter whether they are inside or outside of a German-speaking country. What's more, there is also the (ZD j) and this is the "version" for adolescent learners of German.

If you are looking for sample tests / exercises for the "Zertifikat Deutsch", you will find them on the official homepage of the Goethe Institute. I would like to share the direct link with you guys here:


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