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      Japanese TV | Japanese Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Japanese TV


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      There used to be a program that would allow you to live stream Japanese tv, but I can't remember the name of it. I'll try looking around for it though.

      But if you just want to expose yourself to Japanese TV shows, you can easily find those on Chinese streaming sites like tudou, youku, 56, etc. Lots of people upload Jdramas, Jnews, J-variety on there. Just find the name of the show you want to watch in Japanese character and do a search and you should get a list of results.

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      Yeah like Miya said, a lot of the Chinese streaming sites have Japanese shows. A heads up though, these sites usually require you to install their software and sometimes the software has a lot of spams and ads. There are also a couple of other that does direct streaming.

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      ^The ones I listed above don't require any software to use. Although sometimes they only allow viewers from China to view their videos. If you use Google Chrome though, there is a free plug-in you can download (spam & ad-free) that will solve the problem.

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      These apps are available for streaming TV on an Android device:

      I find most of the stream are really unreliable and low-quality, though. This site:

      Claims to have links to streaming Japanese TV, but I can't find a "stream" button on any of the websites.

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      I've used NIJI for streaming and it does pretty well. You download an app, but it's Japanese and all above-board.

      I recently stumbled on Reddit's /r/JTV, which has episodes of Japanese shows (mainly variety shows), and seems to be updated every day or so.

      I don't watch a lot of Japanese TV (or much TV at all), but if I find any other links I'll post them here :)

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      KeyHole TV is a program which allows you to stream live Japanese TV channels such as TV Asahi, TV Tokyo, NHK, TBS live from anywhere in the world. The resolution is meant for 4:3 aspect ratio or square type screen though so the quality is sub par if you maximize the screen on a 16:9 or widescreen monitor (which I assume everyone use nowadays). It is technically free as it allows you to watch for free for limited time (30-40 minutes I believe) after which the program automatically closes down and you will have to execute the program again to watch your favorite show for another 30 minutes or so for free before it closes again. You can already finish an entire episode of a jdrama without interruption with the allotted free time.  :grin: 

      You can always buy the premium key for continuous watching for $5 for 30 days.  :wink:

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      Oh yeah, Keyhole was the program I was talking about earlier (the one where I forgot the name). I stopped using it after some time, but yup, the program works for living streaming.

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        On 2/1/2014 at 11:11 AM, lllllllllllllllllllllllll said:

      KeyHole TV is a program which allows you to stream live Japanese TV channels such as TV Asahi, TV Tokyo, NHK, TBS live from anywhere in the world. The resolution is meant for 4:3 aspect ratio or square type screen though so the quality is sub par if you maximize the screen on a 16:9 or widescreen monitor (which I assume everyone use nowadays). It is technically free as it allows you to watch for free for limited time (30-40 minutes I believe) after which the program automatically closes down and you will have to execute the program again to watch your favorite show for another 30 minutes or so for free before it closes again. You can already finish an entire episode of a jdrama without interruption with the allotted free time.  :grin: 

      You can always buy the premium key for continuous watching for $5 for 30 days.  :wink:

      This is great! Thanks so much.

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        On 2/2/2014 at 12:54 PM, lllllllllllllllllllllllll said:

      Just curious though, what Japanese shows do you guys watch anyway? I usually watch variety shows like London Hearts, Mecha-Ike, Gaki no Tsukai, and any variety shows with AKB48 in it.  :laugh:

      I don't really watch specific shows. I just watch anything that has my idols in it (if it's interesting). TORE! is a good show though and I watch it occasionally even when there's no one I like on it because they have interesting puzzles to solve (and I can practice my Japanese)

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      • 3 weeks later...

      I watch Sasuke quite a lot. You guys might know it as Ninja Warrior. It's a reality tv show. Basically its the hardest obstacle course in the world, it's pretty great to watch for anyone really. Check out out some time!

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      • 2 weeks later...

      Hey everyone, this is a little off topic, but I didn't want to open another topic. I was wondering does anyone have any links for popular live radios in Japan? I googled but the ones I found usually don't work. Arigato in advance  :laugh:

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      Check out your cable service provider too, sometimes they have optional international channels and if you're lucky NHK or some other general Japanese broadcasting channel might be available. I have Comcast and some Japanese channels were briefly made available shortly after the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami.

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        On 3/9/2014 at 7:47 AM, Banianna said:

      Check out your cable service provider too, sometimes they have optional international channels and if you're lucky NHK or some other general Japanese broadcasting channel might be available. I have Comcast and some Japanese channels were briefly made available shortly after the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami.

      Thanks Banianna! Yeah I have Comcast, apparently they don't have TV Japan available in my area. They do NHK but it broadcasts entirely in English.

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      Are you looking for talk shows or music?

      It's not live, but maybe you can try Japanaradio. It's a music station though so it's just playing Jpop continuously.

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        On 3/10/2014 at 11:01 AM, Miya said:

      Are you looking for talk shows or music?

      It's not live, but maybe you can try Japanaradio. It's a music station though so it's just playing Jpop continuously.

      Talk and music are both good! And that music station  is great. I love the songs!

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      • 4 weeks later...

      AsianRice ( is my favorite website for streaming Japanese TV shows. It's not live TV, but they have a really huge and great collection of different dramas and live-action shows. There's not a lot of anime on there (I would suggest crunchyroll for that), but it's updated pretty frequently and has many Chinese, Korean, and Thai shows as well.

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