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      How do you study? | Language Learning Jump to content

      How do you study?

      Denis Hard

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      Different study techniques work for different language students. The two I know of are:

      1. Intense studying: You put in several hours a day for a short period of time to learn and master a language as fast as you can absorb it.

      2. Studying for long: You study [a language] for a few minutes every day over a long period of time. Maybe, with breaks.

      Which of the two works best for you or do you use a combination of the two methods?

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        I usually study for a short time and with the maximum length for a day if not for a week. And along with it comes rushing and cramming all the ideas and the words that I should remember and understand. When the feeling of studying hits me, I should continue it so that I can learn a lot.

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        I spend lots of time, reading what I have to learn. I will read it repeatedly in that way I can understand or learn it faster. Another thing I do is I do mnemonics. It will be easier for me to recall everything I read.

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        I don't really have much of a routine or strict goals I adhere to, I pretty much just try to learn something new everyday even if I just spend a few minutes or hours on it. Knowing myself, if I force too much in a short amount of time, I'll just end up getting overwhelmed or forgetting everything if not both.

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        I prefer to study in a way that it is spread out through the day.  However, I make sure as well that I allocate at least an hour before I sleep purely for studying.  I believe it is the most effective time to really absorb something because you will process everything as you sleep.

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        I reserve 30 minutes a day if I really want to study a language. Then I find friends who speak it and communicate with them to practice. I also watch a lot of shows where that language is being used. Those help a lot.

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