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How to overcome language barriers

Dora M

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In the beginning when I met my partner, we had a few language difficulties when trying to express certain philosophical ideas or exploring deeper psychological aspects. Often, I would try and convey an idea to him that he understood but seemed to miss the finer points of it. So we started solving these difficulties by using key words that either he or I would string together so that a picture would emerge and give a better idea what we were trying to get across to each other. I find it quite amazing how much you can actually learn from trying to explain something to another that you don't even give a second thought any more. You start questioning things again and are able to see them from new perspectives.

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I guess any barrier can be overcame when given enough time to be together. Of course, we won't understand each other initially so what happens is to start with the language that both have a degree of basic understanding and start from there. As time passes, both will start to learn each other's language and begin to understand what each other is saying. It depends on whether the couple have the passion and determination to overcome the barrier.

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Your suggestion is a good one. But I think the simplest way of overcoming language barriers is to strive to be fluent in that language that you are trying to learn, so eventually the barrier will be broken.

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Communication and cooperation is the key.  If you take the time to explore commonalities, the differences will never seem that great.  There is also the old saying "where there is a will, there is a way".  I like your suggestion and short of learning a new language, there are times we are thrust in a situation with a person and you can really try to get concepts across and if both are open and willing, often a basic understanding can be had.

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It's important to really make a full effort on learning a new language to communicate with someone. You can also use hand gestures if really there are things that are hard to communicate with words. After all, actions speak louder than words.

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Language barriers are pretty much like any other barriers, we can overcome them with time and effort. If we make an effort to learn the language we will learn more and more and there will be no barriers left.

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Ah, I used to be so shy to ask when I didn't completely understand something. I'd just assume things. That caused a lot of problems. I agree that it's better to really make sure that something has been understood whether you are the one talking or the listener.

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