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Hello from Bulgaria!


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Hello everyone!

Whenever I write such "first"posts I am more used to share my likes, dislikes and hobbies, but I guess this time it's better to talk about languages :) My name is Nina and I am a 22 years old med student from Bulgaria - so in case you need help with Bulgarian, I'm here, just saying!  :laugh: The foreign language I think I'm best at is... English, tho this is the one I studyied the less. I studied Russian for almost seven years when I was little and then 5 years of French in high school. Along with my university studies, I had to pick up a bit of Latin too.

I had real English classes for only 3 years - and yet I think I'm rather good. And it was all thanks to places like this - forums, sites and blogs that let me practice what I knew and helped me learn new things. So now I hope to continue practing and learning here, and maybe refresh my French and Russian - they are so so dusty by now.

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Hi Nina

Thank you for joining linguaholic.com. I am very pleased to see that someone from Bulgaria registered on the forum. You are probably the first person from this country, so if we have some questions about Bulgarian, we will definitely ask you first hehe  :wacky:

I am happy to see that you introduced yourself by talking about your "linguistic background", as this is what linguaholic.com is all about.  :angel:

So thank you for the short introduction and hopefully see you in one or better several of the forums very soon :tongue:



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Thank you for the warm welcome, linguaholic! :grin: I feel great here already!

I'll be very happy to help if any of the members has questions about my language or my alphabet (actually the two most common questions I get asked are "Is this written in Russian? " and "Can you show me how to write my name in Cyrillic?"  :D

Now I'm off to check the English subforums - and will probably lurk in the rest of them too :D

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hehe, you are most welcome.

That's cool. Please feel like at home here in the forums :=)

If you have any questions about languages that have no subforum yet, please just post it in the general language discussion thread. There are numerous members here that speak some languages that are not yet "forumized" (yes, I just invented this word right now haha).

I am off to bed now, as I have to get up very early tomorrow. Hope you will have a good time here.  :angel:

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