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1. The TOEFL iBT is an English language proficiency test. TOEFL tests academic English language proficiency. For TOEFL, academic English means first year,college-level English.

2. TOEFL means “test of English as a foreign language.” iBT means “internetbased test.” Internet-based means the test computers are connected to the internet. Your answers will be sent via the internet to be scored by ETS.

3. The TOEFL iBT is designed and implemented by Educational Testing Services(ETS) Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

4. You cannot pass or fail the TOEFL test. You will get a score out of 120 total points. Your score measures your English language proficiency. The higher your score, the higher your English language proficiency.

5. The TOEFL iBT is divided into four test sections. You cannot change the task


Section                      Task                            Time                      Score

Reading                  3-5 essays                60-100 minutes              30/30

Listening                2-3 dialogues

                            4-6 lectures                  60 minutes                  30/30

                              Break                        10 minutes

Speaking          2 independent tasks              2 minutes

                      4 integrated tasks              18 minutes                  30/30

Writing            1 integrated task                23 minutes

                      1 independent task              30 minutes                  30/30


                                                                                          Total: 4 hours 120/120

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Let me add a thing about English Proficiency Tests. You're right, as it is only a proficiency test, takers will only know how proficient they are in the English language, based on the standard set by that particular test. While results don't indicate whether you pass or fail the test, one must however still aim for a higher score. I believe U.S. universities have a prescribed TOEFL score for non-native speakers. It is important to achieve a certain score because it will speak highly if whether you have the language aptitude required to finish the course work in that university. University has a lot of course work (academic lectures/writing, etc), and it is necessary that you have grasp of the medium of instruction. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty accomplishing your coursework if your level of English proficiency is below the required standard set by the university.

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I really don't enjoy proficiency tests very much, I feel like they don't do that great a job, although if I were tasked with coming up with a better test I wouldn't be able to :grin: I know pretty much for a fact that a lot of native speakers would NOT do well if given tests like these, yet because they're natives, they're automatically assumed to be at the very top level :bored:

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  • 1 month later...

Oh goodness.. don't remind me about TOEFL. I scored it but it wasn't something I'd like to take again lol! The way it's designed it to make you think about how complex a particular sentence is and it would give you one heck of a headache and take you up on a merry-go-round before you figure out your answer was correct but you just had to rephrase it to suit what needs to be written/said in the test.

The easiest was the hearing test... the writing was hell for me because it was so confusing.

Best tip for you here is to get a text book and read the first 5 - 10 pages of the tips. I actually did that instead of doing all the exercises in the book.. and still scored lmao

.. Okay, I am not giving good advice here.  :confused:

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