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      Importance of a Teacher - Page 3 | Language Teaching Jump to content

      Importance of a Teacher


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      Whether you need a teacher or not, I believe should also depend on why you are learning the language.

      Someone who spends a lot of time with children (who speak a language s/he wants to learn) for example. can learn the language from them. S/he'll after a while, be able to speak it well and use it in everyday verbal communication but if the language's script is different . . .that's when they'll need a teacher.

      For most people however, since it might be nigh impossible to learn any language entirely from native speakers (who might be you neighbors or workmates) I suppose that's another reason why we'll all need language teachers. It's the only way to learn syntax, pronunciation, etc.

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        I do believe that having a teacher around is always good, but it can be trouble also because not all teachers can actually teach to where the person can learn the language. I always found that I did better by just reading the books, and using the internet to pick up on learning a new language. 

        I never had a teacher for learning French, but I did for Spanish in high school, and afterwards, I did not remember anything but the greeting because they are easy to remember. After school I bought a Spanish book, and learned a lot from employees who were Mexican. Teachers will always be relevant though.

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        Teachers are not only important in languages but they're important for pretty much every subject. Teaching for me is something that you need to have your full focus on since you're dealing with people and you want them to learn, you have to know students' weaknesses and strengths. Teachers help us understand and learn but we also need to study if we want to learn, and some students learn by themselves, but it's always a good idea to rely on a teacher for guidance.

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        I definitely agree that a teacher is important, though a "teacher" is different to everyone. By "teacher," some people mean a man or women in a classroom who is paid to give you instructions on a language, though to some people, a teacher is a friend or a group of people who you submerse yourself into. For example, if someone is learning Spanish, and then travels to Spain, that person may consider the inhabitants there their teachers, depending on their style of learning. I think that an actual teacher or tutor is very important, however, because most are knowledgeable about certain subjects and can usually communicate with you in your own language, so that you understand the important things that they are saying. I think it's important for someone to be able to correct your mistakes and explain to you what you did wrong, even if this may not be the way that some people like to learn.

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        I agree with you, and this is not something that only applies to language teaching but teaching in general, a teacher can make a big difference. Someday I want to become a language teacher, but is not an easy thing to do! As you've said it takes a lot of personalized techniques and inner motivation to keep them motivated. Even if I haven't had a language teacher yet, I have been my own teacher, lol.

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        Absolutely. Sure, you can learn a language on your own. However, if you have a good teacher, your learning would be accelerated. This would be even better if your teacher knows his language very well and knows your language very well, too. Then he is in a good position to help you over many of the stumbling blocks when you learn his language. Instead of being perpetually perplexed by how his language can be constructed in such an alien way, the teacher can give you some appropriate background to his language which can demystify his language.

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        • 1 year later...

        As there are currently different choices for taking in another dialect. There are applications, programming, and online recordings. Be that as it may, having a live educator is as yet the best choice since you will dependably require direction while learning. What's more, an educator can give you that.



        (deleted unrelated self promotion)

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        • 1 month later...

        Personally, I only need a teacher until I reach the demarcation line between A2 and B1. From that point on, I can proceed with extensive reading, listening and watching films, but at the beginning I need someone to hold my hand.

        I've heard from many people that for them it's the other way around. It's more about psychology than about language learning as such.


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