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      Casual Learning


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      I am going to try to casually learn a new language. Word by word. I am not a hard worker, nor someone with a whole lot of direction. There is so much in this world to learn, how can we pick one thing? I have fun just learning, so why not learn everything?

      Ultimately I want to understand and FEEL the difference between languages.

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        Hi there!

        Welcome to!

        I get your point. There are really so man things one could learn in this world....and it is really hard to focus on specific things... :grin: However, are there any specific languages you have in mind? I mean, which languages would you like to learn?

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        To feel the emotion of the language is a great goal and very hard to obtain. Most people find that they will have to do some memorization and book-work even though it feels terribly boring and mechanical. But I liken it to a very moving ice dance performance. The dancers make it look so fluid, so effortless, and you feel like you are watching pure spontaneity. But in reality, it took practice every day. Being able to take criticism. Working even when they didn't feel like it. And extreme self control. Their environment and what they ate may have even had to change. But the result was worth the effort. This is how I liken the satisfaction of being able to speak another language fluently. It is hard work but afterwards you will be able to move others with your words.

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        I have to say, when it comes to learning a new language, I am a huge fan of casual learning. I like that there is no real pressure there and no boundaries. The only problem is that you could pick up some very bad "habits", so I find that in as much as I love to learn from the grass roots so to speak; It's always a good idea to pair that with formal learning. I always laugh when I think of a Danish uncle of mine, who learnt English from some bad boy American marines (his words). He swears like a trooper and claims he picked it up from them lol

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        • 2 weeks later...

        There is a book called "Fluent in 3 Months." I haven't read it yet, but it got pretty good reviews. It sounds like it might be useful to you. He works to make learning languages easier and has taught himself multiple languages. I plan on buying it soon.

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        • 2 months later...
          On 4/4/2015 at 1:15 PM, chesirecat136 said:

        There is a book called "Fluent in 3 Months." I haven't read it yet, but it got pretty good reviews. It sounds like it might be useful to you. He works to make learning languages easier and has taught himself multiple languages. I plan on buying it soon.

        Thanks for the heads up on that, cheshirecat! The book sounds very interesting. I hope that Amazon carries it and that it comes in French and Italian, my two languages of interest.

        *actually I just had a look and I'm not so sure if it would work for me. It sounds like a more generalised book than one that's specific to each language. Even still, thanks :)

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