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What do you think of those learning 5 languages at once?


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If my brain is properly wired to learn five or even more languages, then I will certainly go for it. There are people who can do that with ease and there are those who could not even manage to learn one new language. Thinking about it yes that is possible because in school we learn a lot of subjects from math to history and language each day and we manage to survive the ordeal. I guess it would be more easier to learn several languages than learning whatever it is on your school curriculum 

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I admire those kids due to the fact that I'm trying to learn a handful of languges myself, and since I know it takes alot of time and effort to pull off something like that, I say that those kids having it going for them and with all of those languages under their belt they're gonna go big and they're gonna go far... So yeah... <3

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To answer the question of Trellum, I think people learning 5 languages at the same time are just so amazing! If they can do it, then they should go for it. For sure, time will come that their efforts will pay off. They can teach the language in the future and earn money. They can land a job that needs one of the languages they're learning now. Or they can just simply converse with friends speaking those languages. Who knows, they might end up with a partner who's a native speaker.

I don't see any negative consequences, just all productive outcomes that will benefit them if not now, then in the future. So if you're fascinated with learning languages, carry on! 

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On 27 October 2015 at 4:22:59 PM, kurdapia said:

If my brain is properly wired to learn five or even more languages, then I will certainly go for it. There are people who can do that with ease and there are those who could not even manage to learn one new language. Thinking about it yes that is possible because in school we learn a lot of subjects from math to history and language each day and we manage to survive the ordeal. I guess it would be more easier to learn several languages than learning whatever it is on your school curriculum 

Oh yes same here @kurpadia....if my brain were accommodating, I wouldn't just stop at learning 1 or 2 languages, I'd take full advantage of this and learn as many languages as I possibly could, for sure. I have nothing but respect for those who have this ability. I'm also intrigued by the comparison you draw between simultaneously learning multiple languages and learning many subjects in school. IDK, but I don't think that's a fair analysis to make, especially if I apply it to myself. Obviously different languages have varying degrees of complexity, but they're still taught through the same medium of instruction, which goes some way to helping in the absorption and comprehension of each subject. Somehow, I don't think this compares to language learning, as it's not as simplistic as that. Some people, even some of the most intelligent of students don't have language learning skills at all. I'm not sure why that is, why some people can pick up foreign  languages much more easily than others. I guess it just is LOL If it were that simplistic, I think we'd see a lot more students show an interest in languages.

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