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What do you think of those learning 5 languages at once?


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I don't know how they can do it O_O it's difficult enough to learn 1 let alone more than one at a time


Agreed, I know for a fact I'd not be able to handle more than 5 languages at once.  I'm sure I'd not reach a high level spreading my efforts into 6 or 8 different languages, just crazy. But to each their own.  It's interesting to discuss this though, since we are on a language learning board ;)  I'm amazed to see most people here don't like the idea of learning more than 5 languages at once :laugh:

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While I think some people do have the capacity to learn 5 languages at once, this is something that I wouldn't want to try. Especially with a complex language like Japanese, which you should learn how to read and write first. I feel that if I was studying 5 languages at once and then tried to speak, certain words or phrases might come to me quicker with one language then with another. It would be too confusing for me.

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Really well stated, I agree. I was thinking along similar lines but struggling with how to say it. I understand the desire, I've always wanted to learn as many languages as possible, too. But I think you need to give the language you're learning a fair amount of attention and respect.

I'm going to politely disagree. I don't think there is enough valid logic in learning about the culture  of a country in order to properly learn the language. Learning is learning. Now do I think that one might naturally want to explore those cultures, after they've learned the language or during the process? To learn the beauty of the people of the native land, traditions, and culture, now t think that's beautiful, but that's me and certainly not an absolute for everybody.

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I think that it is quite amazing that there are people who are able to learn five languages at once. I struggle with learning one language, so I really admire that! I can't imagine the amount of time it would take to do that. I am just going to focus on one language for now and then after that I may look into learning similar languages. 

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Some people have a gift for languages and can learn quite a few of them at one go. Not only that but you mentioned people between 15 and 17 years old. At that age your brain is a sponge and can take in a great deal of information. If the languages are very different from one another, the waters can remain separate from each other, but if the languages are very similar they could run the risk of mixing them all up.

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I find this to fascinating and impressive. For me, I find obstacles with simply learning one language, but everyone learns at their own pace. It is quite remarkable to accomplish so many, great work! 

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Hello everyone! My name is Jorge Solis. Wow! I think those people might have an enlarged portion of their brain. They probably have some extra cells in the region of the brain that is responsible for communication. It amazes me how this can be done! If someone has any tips on how to do this please share them! I would loved to be able to learn 5 languages at a time!

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Learning 5 languages or more is fine, but at the same time is impossible.
Your brain is made to focus on only 1 thing at a time, learning 5 languages at once is 5 things at the same time, no matter how your counter-argument may look like.

Back when I used Duolingo, I started off with German and Spanish at the same time.
Shortly after, I added Italian, French, Portuguese, Turkish, etc. to it and tried to learn all of those every day.
Results: I learnt absolutely nothing and only got frustrated in the end.
I can't even remember how to say "this is an apple" in Italian, French, Portuguese and Turkish (read: I never could remember), that's one of the first things you learn on Duolingo. :P

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I don't think I can learn 5 languages at the same time unless they are closely related. It depends on various factors such as age and complexity of language. Young kids learn faster than adults.

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If you have the gift of tongue if not the passion to learn all five languages, then you have every reason to learn as many as languages as you want. Although if you feel like it's affecting your focus and learning ability, then it's better to just learn one language at a time.

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I was too once learnig multiple languages at a time. However, I've discovered that by distributing your attention to 5 different things, each one receives only 20% of your best. It's not practical from my point of view, especially if you plan to speak those languages. Yes, you can learn 10 languages at one time, but only to get some certifications, but on the long run, you will forget almost everything, especially if you don't use them.

Well said. I tried to learn several languages at the same time but the end result wasn't what I'd hoped for.

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Someone mentioned that it could be stressful learning all those languages all at once, and that would be me right there. I think the most I could do is two simultaneously, and I'd opt for two distinctly different ones to avoid any confusion. Even then I'd struggle, so that's why I take my hat off to those who can pull it off :)

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I must say that that takes a lot of effort whether or not they actually achieve fluency in any one of them. Finding the motivation to study just one is hard enough. I can't imagine having to go through five at once. Maybe if I had a photographic memory then surely the learning process would be easier. But alas, I have not been gifted the skill. Kudos to these people though, I envy their dedication.

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For me, studying multiple languages at the same time comes out of necessity. If I concentrate on just one language, then what will happen to others? It's no secret that if you don't practice, you skills become worse. Sometimes I've had pleasant exceptions, like not learning a language for a year, then getting back to it and having immediate big progress, suddenly understanding songs that I couldn't before and so on. But more often, you have to start from the scratch, because even if the knowledge does exist somewhere in the depth of your subconscious mind, it's no longer accessible.

So, if you really like several languages, and you want to have at least some modest amount of knowledge of each, what else can you do but try to juggle them at the same time? I've tried doing 1 month - 1 language, next month - next language. I also tried dividing them between weeks. The only thing that works for me is trying to squeeze them all into one week. Not always possible, of course, but generally it looks like the best compromise to me.

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@anna3101  I think what really matters is that you found something that works for you :)   This thread is inspired on those who are studying a minimum of 5 languages at one... but most likely more,  even 10. People who can't manage a deeper knowledge due that reason.  I know someone like that and he inspired this thread.   You sound like a serious student who has found her own balance, I'm sure you are looking to master all those languages, right?  I'm guessing you are not looking for superficial knowledge in all of them, you don't sound like that type of person at all :)  You sound like a serious one who wants to master them all.  Kudos to you for that. 

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I must say that that takes a lot of effort whether or not they actually achieve fluency in any one of them. Finding the motivation to study just one is hard enough. I can't imagine having to go through five at once. Maybe if I had a photographic memory then surely the learning process would be easier. But alas, I have not been gifted the skill. Kudos to these people though, I envy their dedication.

I agree, I think for must of us it's hard to imagine learning 5 languages at once or more. I know someone who does, sadly this boy hasn't found  good balance yet. He doesn't seem to care about mastering the languages he already knows well :/  He keeps making a lot beginner mistakes in English and really needs to expand his vocabulary.  He is incredibly motivated though, so I really admire that.  I used to be that motivated when I was much younger (15-16 or so). 

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I agree, I think for must of us it's hard to imagine learning 5 languages at once or more. I know someone who does, sadly this boy hasn't found  good balance yet. He doesn't seem to care about mastering the languages he already knows well :/  He keeps making a lot beginner mistakes in English and really needs to expand his vocabulary.  He is incredibly motivated though, so I really admire that.  I used to be that motivated when I was much younger (15-16 or so). 

Maybe it's also not so bad, I mean, even if he knows just the basics in several languages, it's still definitely better than not knowing anything at all :) I find it sad that there are a lot of people, young and old, who see no point in learning any language at all, sometimes including their own native :(

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Maybe it's also not so bad, I mean, even if he knows just the basics in several languages, it's still definitely better than not knowing anything at all :) I find it sad that there are a lot of people, young and old, who see no point in learning any language at all, sometimes including their own native :(

I know what you mean, some people in my country don't seem to be interested in using their own language right.  Most of the time it's the young people who do that though text, but I see this very often in forums as well.  As for my friend, I admire his motivation to learn all those languages!  They are so many, and he is always looking for people he can talk with via Skype, he also goes to school and has a girlfriend, I've always wondered how he does all that o_O 

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They are so many, and he is always looking for people he can talk with via Skype, he also goes to school and has a girlfriend, I've always wondered how he does all that o_O 

I asked this myself last year too, but the main key of learning languages is to actually use those.
Including my native languages, I learnt all languages I speak today either by speaking those to native people over Skype and/or in real life, or by writing and speaking these languages in real world situations.
All you need is someone who's patient, Turkish people tend to be very impatient for example.

I currently learn my most recent language (Spanish) entirely without books.
I only started this month, but I already make progress.
My progresses started small, but I noticed very notable improvements during my Skype session last Friday.
Things that took me forever to pronounce while reading the sentence, are now things I can pronounce without thinking about it.

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I asked this myself last year too, but the main key of learning languages is to actually use those.Including my native languages, I learnt all languages I speak today either by speaking those to native people over Skype and/or in real life, or by writing and speaking these languages in real world situations.
All you need is someone who's patient, Turkish people tend to be very impatient for example.

I currently learn my most recent language (Spanish) entirely without books.
I only started this month, but I already make progress.
My progresses started small, but I noticed very notable improvements during my Skype session last Friday.
Things that took me forever to pronounce while reading the sentence, are now things I can pronounce without thinking about it.

Hehehe, good I will never learn Turkish ;)    And yes, I learnt English on my own that way when I was 16,  but it was much easier back then because I was so young.   Now I don't have as much free time as I did back then.    I still wonder how this guy does it?  I mean, finding time to do all that. He seems to spend so much time online, but he also has to go to school,  do homework, have a girlfriend, etc.  He must have a hell of motivation and some trick under his sleeve :o 

Oh and if you need any help with Spanish let me know :)   Maybe we could do a language exchange later in time, if you feel like it.  Skype has become such an amazing tool for language students, back when I was 16 we had MSN Messenger, but sound quality was crap. 

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