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Moving From Understanding to Articulating


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In case y'all missed my introduction, I took Spanish from Kindergarten all the way until my Junior year and was what I would consider fluent in Spanish. However, since graduating in 2009 I did not use the language. Right now, I can mostly understand somebody speaking Spanish, but I have difficulties articulating sentences.

What would y'all suggest I do to be able to start actually talking rather than just understanding?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case y'all missed my introduction, I took Spanish from Kindergarten all the way until my Junior year and was what I would consider fluent in Spanish. However, since graduating in 2009 I did not use the language. Right now, I can mostly understand somebody speaking Spanish, but I have difficulties articulating sentences.

What would y'all suggest I do to be able to start actually talking rather than just understanding?

The best way to do that is practice, you need to start using your Spanish more! Luckily you don't have to go out and meet new people who speak Spanish, you can  meet a lot though different language exchange web sites and then talk to them on Skype. As simple as that, this is the approach I am taking with dutch and is working. You can also try watching more TV shows and learn more sentences by active listening.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow... I could almost envy you. I wish I had started English at such a tender age. I know I would've made the most of it especially because of the fact that I want to travel the entire Spanish world. Even though you are still learning to articulate, I must say that it's very commendable and invaluable that you are actually able to understand a Spanish speaker. I would give anything for that any day. My understanding is a bit slow, but my articulation is ok. In your case I would just suggest that you continue to interact with Spanish speaking persons. Not just any kind of Spanish speaking person but someone who is very intelligent. Someone who has a very wide and vast vocabulary and thus able to help you to increase in your Spanish expressions.

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The best way to do that is practice, you need to start using your Spanish more! Luckily you don't have to go out and meet new people who speak Spanish, you can  meet a lot though different language exchange web sites and then talk to them on Skype. As simple as that, this is the approach I am taking with dutch and is working. You can also try watching more TV shows and learn more sentences by active listening.

Indeed active listening is the key. Listening passively will get you nowhere. Your ears have to be alert and your brain has to be fired up. You have to make your mind remember stuff. Talking on Skype is also a very wonderful idea for Spanish interactions. However I am on the introvert side of life and I tend to be very careful and wary of people. I will have to brave up and look more into skyping.

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Indeed active listening is the key. Listening passively will get you nowhere. Your ears have to be alert and your brain has to be fired up. You have to make your mind remember stuff. Talking on Skype is also a very wonderful idea for Spanish interactions. However I am on the introvert side of life and I tend to be very careful and wary of people. I will have to brave up and look more into skyping.

I understand that :)  I honestly dislike the idea of practicing dutch with people via Skype, I am introvert, and lately i just don't feel like practicing via Skype.  But you can find some really awesome places where you can get a really great study plan and you can even practice your pronunciation.  You could try places like: http://www.spanishpod101.com/  I used the dutch version, and let me tell you it's awesome.  They have tools to help you compare your pronunciation of different words to the pronunciation of a native!  I'm sure the Spanish version does as well. It's amazing!  Perfect for us introverts ;) 

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