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Translating to your native language & speakers

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Sometimes, when you're fluent enough in a language to translate it and understand the meaning, even if you don't use the exact and the same words, you are in a situation where you can help your native speakers, your native community, basically, to understand a conversation by translating what they say and what you say, basically, being a friendly translator.

This has its challenges, obviously, you have to hear one language and to speak in another, you have to understand enough the meaning without missing words or you have to ask for explanations if you are in a situation where you can ask the person to explain better and more simply what they are saying, and that way you are acting like a communicator. The thing is, do you feel good when you do it? Do you like to do it and does it provides you satisfaction?

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Satisfaction? Oh yes, definitely. I love being able to help people. Plus you also get to lowkey flaunt your multilingual skills, which is pretty great too, ha! Unfortunately for me though, I don't think I'd be able to do it well. I can translate from my native language to English with no problem, but not the other way around. I always find it hard to translate English back to my own language. I know what the English words meant, I just can't translate it. Talk about irony.

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As for professional translators, translating to your native language is the standard. It is not usual that you are actually translating in a foreign language, even if you have a great command of it. However, there is one exception to that rule: English. The demand for translations into English are huge, therefore a lot of translators also translate from their mother tongue INTO English? I do have a BA Degree in Translation and therefore I am a little bit familiar with the work of translators. I am not much of a translator anymore, though :=)

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