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Where did slang come from?

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Many of you know what slang is so I won't give examples. I want to know when it started and why. I don't like the fact that people take many of the English words and chop and screw them.

They sound so dumb when they talk the way they do, "yu kno wut I'm sayin mane", "wuz gud son". I know I said I wasn't going to give examples, but I just had to. People have claimed many talk like this because they are illiterate and don't have intelligence. I used to talk like that, but I wanted to change my grammar because I didn't like how I talked.

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I think it's just part of evolution which is much like everything else that evolves. As we start to become too used to a certain structure we start to get bored and try to change things up a bit and move on to the next thing. I know when I start playing with my words and begin to inset humor into them and whatnot, I mostly just do so out of boredom and for my own amusement and next thing I know people around me also start using it and I think that's a small part of how slang words come to be as some get popular enough that they get used by he majority. 

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I think @Baburra is right. Different versions or words seem to come out every so often especially now. I guess when people speak out words and they sound good for those who hear it, they then begin to absorb them and they start to spread around. I think that as long as one still practices the proper mechanics of the English language, slangs will not affect the way he/she expresses him/herself in English.

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Slang isn't used only by the illiterate. Almost everyone in certain age groups uses slang or at some point in their lives used slang and since it's usage continues even older people may be forced to learn some new words so they'll know what younger people are saying.

Slang originally was created by and used mostly by criminals and other unsavory characters so no one could understand what they said. Call it a secret language of sorts which didn't call for the creation of an entirely new language.

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A research has found that the educated people use slang and contracted sounds more than less educated people. Though slangs are not accepted in written language, we can see people using it. If you don't use slang, you will be speaking writing language. Every languages have slangs and profecency of language can be determined by how efficiently he uses the colloquial terms.

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