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      Help with these sentences | Japanese Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Help with these sentences

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      I just started into my intermediate level textbook (using minna no nihongo, chukyuu I) and I'd like to have someone who can confirm wether I have understood a sentence correctly or wether my compositions are correct or worthy of correction :D

      So here's my first, rather large question to a text I had to work through today :) The Link to the whole text, just to give you the whole context.

      Ia) 電話を発明したグラハムベルと作家マークとゥエインの間にはおもしろいエピソードがある。 I guess their relationship is meant here? "In the relationship of the inventor of the telephone Graham Bell and the author Mark Twain, there is an interesting episode."

      Ib) ベルは、彼が発明した電話をトァエインにも利用してもらいたいと思ったが、トァエインは電話が大嫌い。 Ib1) 彼 refers to ベル right? Ib2) how do I write small vowels in katakana, like in トァエイン? I'm currently copypasting from Katakana Japanese Online Keyboard LEXILOGOS >> ^^ => "Bell thought that he wanted to receive the favor also from Twain to use the invented telephone, but Twain hated telephones a lot." (Alternatively: Bell thought that he would like Twain to make use of the invented telephone as well, but Twain hated the telephone a lot.)

      Ic) 聞きたくもない音を聞かされ、話したくもない時に、話したくもない人と話させられる。 Ic1) means even here right? Ic2) 聞かされ seems ungrammatical to me. Morphologically it only fits the causative-passive forms, but the inflective etc. isn't there. => "He is made to hear a voice he doesn't even want to hear, (and) when he doesn't even want to talk, he is made to talk with people he doesn't even want to talk with."

      Id) いくら断っても、しつこく進めるベルに腹を立て、トァエインはある文を新聞に発表した。 "Because he (=Twain) got angry at the to no avail advising Bell however often he refused, Twain made certain statement towards a newspaper. (Alternatively: Becoming angry at the to no avail advising Bell the more he refused, he made a certain statement towards a newspaper.)"

      Ie) トァエインが葬式に出席できないのを残念がっていることを知ったベルは、すぐに、トァエインの家と葬式が行われる教会を電話で接続しようと申し出た。 => "Bell, who noticed that Twain looks like he feels sorry for not being able to attend the funeral, instantly suggested to establish a connection with a telephone between (this is how I would translate "家と..." here) Twains house and the church in which the funeral is performed." Ie1) Is the way i resolved the marked passive okay? A relative clause seemed the most comprehensible way to me. Ie2) Intentional form only occured rarely in the texts I've worked with. In this case I didn't add another modifying verb because the intentional semtantics are contained in 申し出る already. Is that okay? "He suggested that he wants to/plans to..." would sound weird to me.

      If) トァエインはなかなか「うん」と言わなかったが、結局、無料だというので、つないでもらうことにした。 => "Though Twain barely said 'yes', ultimately, because it was said it is free of charge, he decided to receive the connection/he decided to be connected."

      If) 早速, 電話機がトァエインのベッドのそばに取り付けられ,... Same as in Ic2

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      A: 間に means more like "while" or "during". 間には turns it into "between".

      B: Yes, 彼 is ベル in this case. To type a small syllable, write an "x" in front of the letter, so "xa" becomes ァ for example.

      C: The basic usage of も is "too", "also", etc. In this case, 聞きたくもない音 means "the sounds I don't even want to hear". Basic usage: したくもない = I don't even want to do. 聞かされ and 聞かされる are technically the same, except that with a る it's a verb, while without it's a noun.

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