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How can learners improve and practice their speaking skills?

Sasha Ganieva

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Hi guys. I’m learning English as a second language since school, yet, I have difficulties with my speaking. I think it’s because we have no native English speakers in our country, so the environment does not support the students to speak English frequently. The question is how can I improve and practice my speaking skills?

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Hi Sasha!

In my point of view, you can improve your speaking skills even without any native speakers. All you need is just to do your best.
You can always practice your English with your best friend: yourself! And if you do it in front of the mirror it will be more effective. Just choose one topic and talk. You can talk about how your day was or about the book that you have read or about the movie that you have watched. You can talk to yourself like to your best friend. Don't think about the grammar, focus your attention on fluency. If you get stuck on a word that's okay just try to express it in a different way, then you can look it up in a dictionary.
Try to think in English. It's a great method to improve your speaking skills. When you think in your native language and then want to speak English, you will have to translate between languages. And that will become complicated. But if you get accustomed to think in English you will notice that it's easier to you to speak English.
Watch TV shows or Youtube videos in English. Choose a short videos and try to repeat them line by line. It doesn't matter If you miss a few words, the important thing is to keep talking. 
Just try to talk in English as much as possible and you will  see the results

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Hi Sasha!

You are unlikely to learn to speak a new language perfectly, but perfection should not be your goal. Your main goal should be effective communication.

I am not perfect in any of the 3 languages that I speak, but I can communicate, and whenever I communicate in another language I’m satisfied. I also know from experience that my ability to speak and to pronounce well will only improve with time, as long as I remain alert to what I hear and read, and how I use the language.

Use of words is more important than pronunciation. However, we all like to work on getting closer to the pronunciation of the native speaker, although we won’t quite get there. In order to work on pronunciation, you can practice recording yourself every now and again, perhaps once or twice a month but not too often. Find content of interest, listen to the audio, then read the same content out loud and record yourself. Listen for the differences. This is your chance to work on specific sounds. It is important to notice the words that you mispronounce and then try to notice these sounds when listening to the language. If you can notice them, you will have a better chance of pronouncing them correctly.

If you can find someone to speak to where you live, that is great. However, there are many online sites, where you can find native speakers to speak with. Don’t worry about your mistakes, even encourage your partner not to correct you while you speak. The main thing, however, is to speak more and more, ideally on subjects of mutual interest to you and your native speaker partner.

In our century you can learn any language with the help of the Internet, instead of attending language courses. Just try to do your best! Try to speak only in English, watch films, listen only your favourite English songs. And I'm sure that it gives the results. Good Luck !!!


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12 minutes ago, Xurshida Sultonova said:

Hi Sasha!

You are unlikely to learn to speak a new language perfectly, but perfection should not be your goal. Your main goal should be effective communication.

I am not perfect in any of the 3 languages that I speak, but I can communicate, and whenever I communicate in another language I’m satisfied. I also know from experience that my ability to speak and to pronounce well will only improve with time, as long as I remain alert to what I hear and read, and how I use the language.

Use of words is more important than pronunciation. However, we all like to work on getting closer to the pronunciation of the native speaker, although we won’t quite get there. In order to work on pronunciation, you can practice recording yourself every now and again, perhaps once or twice a month but not too often. Find content of interest, listen to the audio, then read the same content out loud and record yourself. Listen for the differences. This is your chance to work on specific sounds. It is important to notice the words that you mispronounce and then try to notice these sounds when listening to the language. If you can notice them, you will have a better chance of pronouncing them correctly.

If you can find someone to speak to where you live, that is great. However, there are many online sites, where you can find native speakers to speak with. Don’t worry about your mistakes, even encourage your partner not to correct you while you speak. The main thing, however, is to speak more and more, ideally on subjects of mutual interest to you and your native speaker partner.

In our century you can learn any language with the help of the Internet, instead of attending language courses. Just try to do your best! Try to speak only in English, watch films, listen only your favourite English songs. And I'm sure that it gives the results. Good Luck !!!


Welcome, Xurshida Sultanova. Very happy to have another smart person here on linguaholic.com

If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. 


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Hi Sasha!

You can learn by watching movies and TV shows in English or even documentaries and interviews on YouTube. If there's something you don't understand, you can ask about it here or do some research online. Try to read books in English as well, and read it out loud. Again, if there's a word or phrase you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask someone about it. The best way to learn to speak English is to speak and use it every day. Don't get embarrassed if you're grammar is not perfect, that's normal. Nobody's perfect. Hope these tips can help you. Good luck!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sasha,

I know its difficult to learn how to speak English, this online English learning program helped me a lot in speaking better English. Also, their blogs are very infromative which keeps you tips for improving your English. 

Here is a blog which I found relevant to you. 


Good luck and happy learning!

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