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Free e-Books


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I know where to get a lot of e-books in English, but have yet to find a place on the web other than my local library. I have the Kindle app for my PC and can read them that way, but don't have an e-reader. Any suggestions? I'm sure Amazon has some, but am looking for free books. Thanks!

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  • 9 months later...

The only place I can think of that offers free e-books in French is Project Gutenberg, but they are classics in the public domain.  I believe they have some translations of Jane Austen's Persuasion and Sense and Sensibility.  They also have several novels be Honore de Balzac and much more to choose from. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just some simple Google searching should bring up a ton of French e-books within the public domain. At your local library (especially if you live in Canada), there should be a multilingual section. This usually has lots of books that you can look into. For me, middle aged childrens books are best.

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  • 6 months later...

For those who are still looking for free ebooks, the best source IMHO is amazon.fr (French Amazon), there's a really good range of genres and most of the books are reasonably modern, so the language used in them is the same kind of French most of us are trying to learn.  This is the page for kids' ebooks if you sort it by price from low to high, there's quite a few free ones on the top: http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=sr_st_price-asc-rank?bbn=301137&qid=1425916699&rh=n%3A301061%2Cp_36%3A389154011%2Cp_n_binding_browse-bin%3A901116031%2Cn%3A!301130%2Cn%3A301137&__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅZÕÑ&sort=price-asc-rank

I have the kindle app, so I went to amazon.com and changed my device settings so the country was set to France in order to download it.  There are also plenty of free ebooks aimed at adult readers

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  • 5 weeks later...

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