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      Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/21 in all areas

      1. Yes, YouTube is now the best resource for language learning. And the most important thing is free. I just read yesterday an essay on emigrants in our time. And there was an amazing story of a man who went a long way from a beggar to a big businessman. And he learned the language from a lesson on YouTube. And he started his own business, too, based on free materials on the Internet.
        1 point
      2. Wow, how detailed you answer! Thanks for the link
        1 point
      3. Brainstorming, a method of finding a solution to a problem through the expression of ideas. Brainstorming has its own characteristics - participants express many ideas (including the most incredible ones), are not immediately discussed, all the more criticized, and then the most interesting and promising options are selected from the list. You can do the same! Just figure out the most unlikely ideas. But there are also difficult situations. For example, I am now writing my first novel, and it is quite difficult for me because I don’t know any good writing techniques. If you are interested in writing an essay yourself, you can take a look at this it helped me a lot! When I started myself. You must clearly understand that you must not reinvent the wheel! That much has already been invented. All you have to do is put it all together since you like it. Therefore, use brainstorming to create a creative idea. Your idea!
        1 point
      4. For some, writing an essay is as easy as sitting down at a computer and starting typing. But it takes a lot more planning to write an essay successfully. If you have never written an essay before, or if you find it difficult to write and want to improve your skills, it is recommended that you follow several important steps in the essay writing process. For example, to write an essay, you must: 1.decide which essay to write 2.brainstorm your topic 3.research the topic 4.choose the writing style 5.develop a thesis 6.sketch your essay 7.write your essay 8.edit your text to check spelling and grammar While this sounds like a lot of steps for writing a simple essay, if you follow them, you should write more successful, clear, and coherent essays.
        1 point
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