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Everything posted by sos

  1. I cannnot give one book that has made me learn English. That Is simply because I love reading . Therefore it goes without saying that reading any book aids a lot in learning a language.
  2. One thing that I love about literature is the way i can be able to show so much of humanity using different methods. I have really learned more from reading a book thab I have ever learned watching the television. What is more fasinating to me is how you can get great depth only using words. I just love literature.
  3. I love the Oford dictionary to look up words that are new to me. However, am a person who loes Synonyms thereefore I carry around a pocket theuserus. It is really aids me al lot it tems of finding meaning to words as well as other words that mean the same thing.
  4. Grammar for me makes a language a joy to learn. The reason for this is because grammar allow you to pass a message as well as communicate really effectively. Therefore, i will even catch myself when i talk in bad grammar. I guess it goes to show that I am a language fanatic.
  5. I cannot really remeber the books title however it was one of the Famous five books by Eluid Bryton. I love the series and almost read all of them. That was the time that i fell in love with English. In high school that was really the only subject that i studied.
  6. The ability of authors to change and portray society is what made me to fall in love with litreature. It just facsinates me the way that when you are reading you are transported to another planet in terms of thought. How it prompts somone to wonder why things happen in one particular way instead of another one. I think the great thinkers in the world transmit their ideas through writing. I am really happy with this part of the forum.
  7. I believe that grammar is really important to language. It is in ensence the structure of the language. I believe that it is grammar that actually makes the language be able to be taught and learned. Therefore, grammar is really important.
  8. When you find yourself correct other peoples speech when they make a mistake. It really irritates them but that is how you know that you are a language nerd.
  9. I would really like to learn spanish. I have no particular reason just something that appeals to me. Furthermore, also I would love to travel to the country one day. I think that is the reason that I want to learn it.
  10. I have not studied Shakespeares but I have reas the play Merchent of Venice. I did not read it in the English that it was written in originally but the contempry English. I loved it instantly because of the creativity and skill that was used in it. I can't say that it helped my mastery of English but it was something that i loved to read,
  11. my Favourite book is the play by a Norwegian writer translated into English called An Enemy of the People. I love reading in English furthermore,I am a varocious reader. I read every writing genre without any prefernce. I really enjoy reading and writing in English.
  12. What really helped me to learn English was not a movie exectly it was cartoons. I cannot really name one in particular but they were really beneficail in my learning the English language. I used to spend hours on end just watching them.
  13. Admin i love you quotes especially the one about friendship thank you for sharing it. My favourite quotes are by Napoleon Hill " Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve" "The only limitation that you have are the ones that you place on yourself or let others place upon you." " You do not need to work really hard to become rich all you need is one great idea." "The first Key to success is to have a definiteness of Purpose."
  14. Hello everyone i am from Kenya. Though the language that is spoken here is English I am fluent in English. I am looking to add upon my knowledge here as well as learn other languages.
  15. My first lesson in school in literature was that Literature is the reflection of society. What would you say that literature is to you personally.
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