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      Silverhoop - Linguaholic Jump to content


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        Gaelic, Italian
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      1. Sozzled Battered Pished (Basically this is "Pissed" but in Glasgow we emphasise the "SH") Pished Up Blootered Burst Reeling Drunk as a monkey (??)
      2. as they fall, Alberta mutters the incantation passed on to her from a witch she once helped when only a child.
      3. I guess being brought up with English that this has never really bothered me. All it is really is just another homonym, of which the English language is full. To, Too, Two. Where, Wear. Fair, Fare. Pear, Pair. One of the oddities of "Their" though is that the e comes before the i.
      4. As a Scot, then I have to say that the Scottish accent is wonderful. But, even in a country as small as Scotland there are many types of accent. The east coast and west coast are completely different, and then you have the Highlanders and the Doonhammers. I would love everyone on here who has stated they like the Scottish accent to have to listen to a weedgie ned for 5 minutes and see if they feel the same. All Scots should sound like Sean Connery. I know I do
      5. Lived on Decaf; faced no Devil. Evil did I dwell; lewd I did live. A Toyota! Loved Mizali's - Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era? I may have to steal this one!
      6. I don't always think that they are that different, simply one has a tune and the other a rhythm. If you take some Bob Dylan lyrics and read them without the music, then they are poetry. Leonard Cohen has a famous song which was actually just a letter to a friend, granted it rhymes but it was meant to be read not sung (Joni Mitchell convinced him otherwise) There is a great piece on Poetry versus lyrics here:
      7. Fantastic. Buzz has over 5 different meanings in the English language. 1 – To make a humming sound 2 – A confused murmur 3 – To signal 4 – Go quickly 5 – To feel high And here in Scotland, we also use it for finishing a bottle or can of liquid or sometimes also used for the term when people inhale gas from a pressurised container.
      8. That's the definition. So, what are your favourite examples of onomatopoeia? Mine has to be the word: Hiccup or Hiccough
      9. Beseech - when you ask someone something, I beseech thee! Fullsome - Rich and plentiful Henceforth - From now on. I know these words are still used and are still in the dictionary but they are not used enough in my opinion.
      10. Ahh! Where to begin Some of the most beautiful words that we use every day include: Sumptuous - Luxurious Ripple - Small wave Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like its meaning And of course Bumblebee (Or as my 4 year old likes to say, BumBum Bee)
      11. English language has it's roots from all around Europe and is mainly a Germanic language. A lot of the spellings of English words are traditional spellings with silent letters and lets face it, unusual spellings. American English only had English to go by for many years so a lot of the traditional words would be spelled differently and in fairness, quite often are spelled (Spelt??) better. Colour - Color Cosy - Cozy Favourite - Favorite I can see why the American English is preferred as at times it is much easier and sometimes just looks right compared to UK English. The only thing I really don't like is the Americanism of "Z" in words, AuthoriZe, CategoriZe, Just doesn't sit right.
      12. I think one of the first that I ever encountered that confused me was the idiom: Keep an eye out! or Keep an eye on them! As a small boy I had this horrible thought of having to literally take an eye from your head.....Yuk! Some of the old idioms do have general meanings though. Back in the days when we had thatched roofs for our houses, quite often the family pets would nest in the roof (Inside the house) for warmth, when it rained really heavy the thatch would get sodden and the animals fall from their nest. It's raining cats and dogs, became a popular idiom to show how heavy it was raining.
      13. Fair point Ricardo, I know it is one of those things that you get used to, just I am one of those typists that still has to look at the keyboard when I type and when you look up and see a plethora of red wavy lines your heart sinks! With so many other languages on this forum though, the majority of them will probably use the American dictionary.
      14. PALINDROME: a word, phrase, or number that reads the same backward or forward. Some of my favourites are: Noon Madam Eve Racecar Deed Level Rotor Civic Radar Or some phrases: "Madam, I'm Adam." (Adam's first words to Eve?) "A man, a plan, a canal--Panama!" (The history of the Panama Canal in brief) "Able was I ere I saw Elba." (Napoleon's lament)
      15. Thanks Scottman, Still enjoying reading through the posts and hoping to get a bit more involved soon. Love the Avatar by the way.
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