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      Shannonbutler18's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      Everything posted by Shannonbutler18

      1. I always have perfect grammar and spelling when talking to friends, unless I'm using my phone, in which there's a 160 character limit. If I go past that limit, I'll just edit some words into shortcuts, but other than that I write with perfect grammar, spelling and punctuation; because of this I often find myself correcting my friends, who, I have to say, don't spell that well at all.
      2. I am most definitely a grammar nazi. I always find myself correcting my friends when we're texting or IM'ing. Like the other day, my friend texted me "why is this so difacult", and I just had to correct him, so I answered back "It's 'difficult'..." and he got mad at me, just like he always does. Though there are some people I just cannot correct, because they'll get so mad that they'll ignore me for a while.
      3. I have to say, I do use "lol" when talking to friends. Though I don't use it a lot, I'll type it if something really funny happens. In a normal sentence, I would most likely just write "That's funny xD" but sometimes if I'm in a good enough mood, I'll write "Lol, that's great!" I don't like people who overuse it, as in, in every sentence. "Lol, what are you doing?" "Lol, that's cool" "Lol, me too".
      4. I text just as I type; full sentences, full words and punctuation. Most of my friends text "how r u" and "dats good" and "wats up w u" and I have to say, that annoys the hell out of me. It's one of my biggest pet peeves! I can't stand improper grammar and punctuation!
      5. I am generally a fast reader, though I do like to take my time while reading novels. Especially ones with huge words. When it comes to reading out loud, however, I'm not very good at it and I tend to trip over words. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not used to reading out loud, or if it's just because I get nervous letting other people hear me.
      6. My favorite will always be "It's darkest just before the dawn" because it's true, and it's also usable in real-life situations. This may sound weird, but I'm planning on getting a tattoo that says that. I find it so inspirational.
      7. Ouija, as in a Ouija board? It's pronounced Wee-Gee. (Completely not how it looks, I know).
      8. People actually say "Suicided?" Wow. Even when I saw the red line under it, I almost changed it to "suicide", then I realized I meant to misspell it. :shy:
      9. I need to learn Spanish as soon as I can so I can communicate better with my boyfriend's family, but after that, I want to learn Japanese, because some time in my life I'm planning on going to Japan. I also want to learn German, as my father is German (Though I don't speak to him). Other than that, I don't think I want to learn any other languages. Maybe Tagalog.
      10. Grammar is extremely important to me. I am a writer and therefore always need to have perfect grammar. Also, it annoys me when people don't use correct grammar. I find myself correcting my friends constantly. They get mad at me, but hey, a couple of my friends want to be writers too, so they should be thanking me for my corrections. ^^
      11. I always hear people speaking a different language, and though I only speak English, I always know what language they're speaking. I think this may be more prominent in people who watch a lot of movies; movies where people from ___ have certain accents, and the people watching learn the specific accents, and match the accents to the language. I'm good at knowing when people are speaking Chinese, Tagalog, Japanese, French, Spanish (I think Spanish may be the easiest for most people, it's a commonly used language).
      12. According to English rules, there isn't supposed to be a comma after "and". It's supposed to be "I got mushrooms, pickles and relish." Not "I got mushrooms, pickles, and relish."
      13. So many people spell words wrong and say "It was a typo", but to be honest, spelling "Difficult" as "difacult" is not a typo. That's just someone who doesn't know how to spell. And I personally thing it's 1) laziness; not spending the time to spell it right/remember how to spell it or 2) bad education.
      14. Personally, I think that it's easy to remember which one to use. But I constantly see my friends using "Your cute" and "Your pretty" and "You're cat is so cute". It frustrates me, to say the least. Especially because everyone who does this is 18 and over, and their first language WAS English.
      15. Personally, I find it extremely easy to remember the correct usage, but I constantly see people writing "Your cute" and "Your lucky" and "You're cat is adorable". It frustrates me, to say the least. Especially because all my friends are 18 and over.
      16. I prefer simple writing above anything else. Sometimes, when your'e reading a novel or some other thing where people have used a lot of big words and too many difference ways to describe something, like "My proverbial depression was intensely debilitating and I shudder at the many thoughts that march through my head on this dreary summer eve!". I find that intensely hard to read! Not that I'm stupid, but all the words just make me forget what I'm even reading in the first place.
      17. I don't misspell words often, though it bothers me when other people do! Things like "Your" instead of "You're" and "To" instead of "Too". I find myself constantly correcting my friends' writing.
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