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      wwalford - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. Welcome. I have found the forum really helpful, and I have also had some fun reading some of the story builder threads. I am sure you will find the help you need here as well as links and apps to learn Spanish. Enjoy the forum.
      2. I always used to mess up the word "because", but then i was taught: Betty Eats Cakes And Uncle Sells Eggs , and as you say this you write the letters down. Super simple and no issues any more.
      3. I really got confused by: "Language Is Not the Frosting, It's the Cake" To me cake had frosting it was one 'thing'. I did not see it as an added extra. Really confusing. Still will avoid the use of it today.
      4. It is a pathetic word. It should not be used and it just makes the speaker sound ridiculous. Urban dictionary is not a dictionary, it is not a "proper" English word avoid the use of it. :ninja:
      5. "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree Quote" Really awesome quote and has a really nice tie to family. Firstly to offspring being closely related to there parents but also refers really well to the family tree.
      6. Hi, I fully agree I need to read quicker and properly because I tend to skim read when I rush. For me it is just reading more and more it makes it better and I read faster. But going to try some of the other ideas I have read here to. :grin:
      7. Welcome, don't worry I am also a newbie here. I am sure you will settle in well. I am finding it quite easy to take part on the forum threads.
      8. Welcome. How was living in China for 6 months. Did you learn the language before getting there or pick up what you needed when you were there?
      9. Thanks ddrmario123 I was not aware of linguaholic sometimes a second post is good reminder for those of us who are new around here. Might not always know what to search for. I will have a look for the other post. Thanks again
      10. I think you need to learn through some basic classes first, but nothing is better than being thrown in the deep end and forced to learn the language by living in the foreign country. Classes are important to learn the basic structure as well as respect shown in the language but after that go to the country for some real experience.
      11. No accent I don't have an accent. People say that I do but it does not seem like it to me. Saying that people put an accent on for no reason. So I think it depends on the person and how they learn a language. You get taught structure and pronunciation. The accent is how you put it together.
      12. I think it depends on the level. For example you can't teach me French when I have no knowledge of any French. So at low level when you first start in your own language is better to learn structure and sentence formation, but once you know the basics and when you know enough then get taught in the language you learning.
      13. To enable travel. Basically when I travel I want to be able to converse to some extent in the local language even for politeness. Also coming from an English background, it seems a lot of people learn English is it not respectful to those individuals to learn their language.
      14. I would say two ways: 1. If you put a comma you could probably put a full stop (not always though but quite often). 2. Read your sentence again and when you need to take a breath this is where your sentence should have stopped. Hope this helps.
      15. I am a slow reader. When I am reading something that really interests me and I want it to go quickly I often skim read. I glance over certain words. The worst is names I don't actually read the name or if I can see the sentence is useless information for the story I just skip a couple lines. Shocking I know!
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