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      lllllllllllllllllllllllll's Content - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      Everything posted by lllllllllllllllllllllllll

      1. I'm the read/write type of learner. I use my flash card app to check for the character of the day, then I write the character repeatedly on a notebook until I fill up an entire page. :grin:
      2. Well if the only reason for studying Japanese is because of anime alone then they are most likely to give up along the way. Like I mentioned earlier, there are numerous fansub groups willing to translate just about every anime title out there, so most international anime fans won't see much reason to continue learning the language when they are being spoon fed with translations. That is not the case for TV dramas and variety shows. English subtitles are rare for dramas and varitey shows. I love Japanese entertainment as a whole, not just anime, so I want to understand all the shows that I watch and all the Jpop songs I hear. My point is, you really have to love the culture, not just one aspect of it, in order for you to be passionate about learning the language.
      3. ^True. Language is just one way of communication. Humans are intelligent beings and will always find ways to express themselves, we are not just limited to spoken and written language. . There is Morse code, drawings, body languages and the likes.
      4. Not anymore, but I did stutter a lot the first time I talked to a foreigner when I was a kid. I'm part of the baseball team in high school and our school hired a foreign coach. When I first met him I'm not that confident that I can express myself properly in English, so I stuttered whenever I talk to him. But eventually I got comfortable speaking in English and was able to overcome this matter.
      5. I'm currently studying Nihongo and I wanted to learn it because I like watching Japanese anime, variety shows, films and dramas, but I just never got the motivation to do so, probably because of the fact that fansubs are always there to do the translation for me :grin: . But the past few months the fansub group doing the translation of the variety shows I watch is kinda slow and the episodes are already piling up, and I realized that I can't keep relying on fansubs to do the translation forever and now is the time for me to learn the language. Kinda silly reason to learn a language, isn't it?
      6. I don't know about you guys, but up to now it still remains a mystery to me as to how this one got away from proofreading or quality check
      7. I can't see the link either, but based from your feedback I can only guess the first sentence is in Engrish. :beaten:
      8. Since we are on the topic of exposing yourself to a wide variety of ways of expressing the language (formal and informal), I was watching a taiga (period) drama on NHK earlier and they are using some very old Japanese language that you may not hear often nowadays. The one I remember is "Burei", which after doing some research I found out it actually means "rude". In modern times Japanese people would just say "Shitsurei" (失礼). I definitely agree, it helps broaden your vocabulary by getting to know different ways of how people talk/express the language.
      9. Now that's what I call multilingual! I'm not sure if the accent in other languages are good, but the accent in the Japanese and Latin part is pretty decent. :grin:
      10. There are a lot of sites about internet memes. is a popular one. If you need to know the history and information about memes then is the place to go. You can visit several meme and imageboard sites, but I would advice you to refrain from visiting 4chan. It is said to be the catalyst of all these memes, but for someone who isn't exposed to this stuff, I'm not sure if you can handle that kind of community.
      11. Haha tell me about it. It does happen when people use internet meme in real life conversations. I remember I overheard some guys who are arguing, and the guy who kinda lost the argument said "Ok you have a point there, I lost. But my jimmies remain unrustled!". I know it was reference to the Rustled My Jimmies meme, but never in my wildest dream could I have imagined it can be used in real life conversation.
      12. As far as grammar is concerned then I talk to them in a proper way. It is a nice opportunity to practice the language, and practice makes perfect. You can use slang without sacrificing the grammar. I mean you can say "can you lend me 5 bucks?" which retains the grammatical correctness while using a slang instead of saying "can I has 5 bucks?"
      13. Not really, but my vocabulary is being tested when playing Scrabble and sometimes I resort to checking dictionary to find out if a can compose a word with the letters available to me and verify if such word exists. What program is that by the way? I might give it a try.
      14. The power of the collective conscious of the Internet is increasingly being reflected in memes. A day cannot go by without seeing a post on Facebook or a tweet from Twitter that express their status in a form of meme. These ideas or styles, which can take the form of anything from an image to a misspelt word, spread from person to person in the online world all across the globe, with a lot of them eventually reflected in images with text (though that may not be the case all the time). The internet is an amazing medium for languages, and online you show how brilliant you are by manipulating the language of the internet. I mean really, this is so rampant that I'm pretty sure you have already encountered an internet meme at least once. If you are one of the oblivious few who only learned about internet meme after reading this post then So what are your thoughts on internet memes?
      15. Well, we can't be discussing Japanese literature without talking about the form of poetry introduced by Japanese poets. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognizable to the reader. Animals and seasons are examples of recognizable topics. Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, my example will be about this special occasion. Oh, am I not loved Alas, I shall be alone With no Valentine So whats the deal with The Valentines I wonder Why no one will tell? Are Valentine's dropped? What location are they found? Can you help me please? You must kill hermit Then bugbear will shower you With Valentine cards I have heard of this killing the hermit, oh yes thought it was a lie Oh, am I not loved Alas, I shall be alone With no valentine
      16. For One Piece fans out there, you guys should know this. :grin: I'd like to learn and decipher Poneglyph, a primitive language that is inscribed in stone tablets which tells the history of the One Piece universe.
      17. Did someone say Homonyms?! Sorry, just can't help it. And that right there is bad example of "words that sound the same".
      18. Well I started learning English at the age of 5 because it is part of our curriculum, but I was not really taking my studies in English seriously and only study what is needed to get a passing grade in the subject. But during high school I realized the importance of knowing the language and began studying it attentively. I actually kinda regret not being serious with my studies in English early as now I feel that I am kinda left behind by a few years with my current knowledge of the language.
      19. Ok, so it's Q&A time again. How would you say: Find strength [which one should be used here, "in" or "through"?] difficult times.
      20. I still think preposition is the part of English language that is difficult to learn. There are just so many rules for applying which preposition should goes with the sentence or phrase. I mean, in some situations they are interchangeable and in others they aren't. Oh I just remembered I made a thread about it and I actually have a good question in mind, you guys might want to check the thread for those interested in offering their insights. :grin:
      21. I don't know why, but I have developed a character trait of always being skeptical. I don't believe or trust easily, so my favorite idiom is "Take it with a grain of salt".
      22. ^This. Google Translate is just a quick translating solution that translates languages word for word without taking grammar into consideration. We have to admit though that it can be helpful when visiting a website that is using unfamiliar letters/characters. I remember trying to register an account in a Korean MMO game and I was able to get by with the translation of Google to fill up the required fields and complete my registration. :grin:
      23. Well, this is exactly what I feel when I am about to start reading a novel/book or halfway to finishing it and realize that it will have a film/movie adaptation. I was about to read Game of Thrones and then the TV series happened, so I never got around to reading it.
      24. So yeah, would you take the extra mile and try learning the Kansai dialect once you already reached the conversational level of Hyojungo? I mean, might as well try it while we are at it, right? (>_<)
      25. I am curious about this too. I mean we can also use "but", so there must be some sort of rule when to use "however" and "but". I hope someone can shed some light to this.
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