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      myepicdemise - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      • Currently studying
        English, Chinese
      • Native tongue
      • Fluent in
        English, Simplified Chinese

      myepicdemise's Achievements


      Newbie (1/14)



      1. I'm a fast reader and it's quite a bad habit. I have to re-read the same line a few more times just to get the meaning behind it.
      2. I think in English as it's my main spoken language. If I converse with people in English, I guess it's natural for me to converse with myself in the same language as well.
      3. I text in proper English since I use the dictionary typing method. I just realized how annoying it is to read shorthand and slang.
      4. For me, it helped a lot to slow down in my speech, and stop focusing on what to say but rather just be natural, as if it's just like any other conversation.
      5. Thanks. I like the concept of this forum. I hope to be able to learn more languages than just English and Chinese.
      6. Yes I do, and I'm trying to kick the habit of overusing that word. I realize that it makes you sound cynical sometimes. I will try to use it only when I genuinely find things funny.
      7. In Singapore, each race has their own native languages and gets to learn them in soon, but English is the main language of my country. We take English as a subject all the way till junior college (equivalent to senior high school). As a Chinese, I'm forced to use English so often that I'm not fluent in my own mother tongue anymore.
      8. 大家好,我的中文名叫做林日仲,今年十九岁。我是个新加坡公民,在这里出生,也在这长大。我正在读高中二年级,今年就要毕业了。我的中文水平不是很高,因为我国的教育不是很重视华文,所以很少机会用华文。但是,我还是很喜欢学习华文。
      9. 我希望在今年年终的大考能考到优异的成绩。我今年在读高中二年级,考不好就没路走了。
      10. First you learn the radicals and the common words that are used. Then you learn how to form sentences using those basic words. Finally, you learn advanced vocabularies. Unlike English, the problem with Chinese isn't with syntax but with vocabularies.
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