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      Tersuss - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. I think a totally useless tool, I typed in English to Hungarian, why did you move to letterkenny, the first two words that popped up were Hungarian and the last two said "child benefits".
      2. I suppose really it is dependant on what you yourself are used to, I am more used to speaking and reading and I find it easier to convey what I mean by speaking English and whilst I don't have a terrible time with writing, I find it a little more difficult than the two priors.
      3. I shocked myself today, through years of not using that ridiculous abbreviation I ended up using it on 2 occasions today, what is the world coming to.
      4. Considering Chinese is the second most spoken language in the world and for obvious reasons, I think I'll learn Chinese next.
      5. I really like this one too, "Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”
      6. I think proper grammar is an absolute must, there are obviously those, who's first language isn't English and so to some extent they are excused from the general rule, but as in all other languages if you do not use proper grammar then how do you expect anyone to understand you.
      7. I am a fast reader, I don't read too fast though because I quite enjoy reading and I do find it irritating when I finish a book or two in a day and then have nothing to read, I never read out loud though.
      8. I can understand it's use and that for singular words like nouns etc it would be handy enough to use, however I would never rely on it to form completely concise sentences.
      9. I find none of the above at all particularly difficult, writing would be the one I would have had more difficulty with when I was in my honors English class, but that's due to the fact I prefer being able to speak than reading or writing.
      10. I never use "lol" when I write to my friends, I speak English, not whatever language children nowadays would call English.
      11. Personally I would think learning one language at a time as opposed to two or more at a time would be better mainly because, your brain and mind can focus on one far better than when you learn two at a time.
      12. Well at the rate language grows and how many new words are added to the English dictionary every year for example, I would seriously think that we will see the birth of a single universal language.
      13. Yes I have lived away from home these past 5 years and I went to visit my parents for the first time in 3 years I saw my brother and we were talking about learning different languages, he can now speak Japanese, Chinese, Maltese and french along with English.
      14. The next language on my list is Maltese, most of my family live there and or are from there, so I would quite like to communicate with them.
      15. I think what started my love of learning languages was when I began to learn French in school and then studying German in college. I think the ability to communicate with people from other countries is an extremely important thing in this world.
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