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      IndianapolisJones - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      • Currently studying
        Mandarin Chinese, Spanish
      • Native tongue
      • Fluent in
        English, Urdu (semi-fluent), Mandarin (semi-fluent)

      IndianapolisJones's Achievements


      Newbie (1/14)



      1. I'm a rapid reader when reading silently in my head, but when I am reading out loud, my speed decreases. I try to read as much as possible, whenever possible to keep my speed up. Thankfully I have a ton of textbooks to keep my reading skills up... :bored:
      2. Aggressive has a negative connotation behind it, I'd consider it very deliberate. One of my friends is German and he speak with his mother in German quite often, their sentences are short and succinct. I forgot where I heard this, but aren't dogs very responsive to commands in German?
      3. Occasionally always throws me a curveball, it takes me a couple tries before I finally get it right. I have always found that I can never spell buffalo without spelling it bufallo first. I know that there are definitely several other words out there that trip me up, I just can't for the life of me remember any of them.
      4. I like to think that I don't have an accent, but having been born and raised in Minnesota, it's impossible for me to not have a Minnesotan accent. I know it's not nearly as pronounced as some Minnesotans I know, but at the same time I'm sure I have traces of it laced throughout. For example, I definitely know the way I say "oh yea" is super Minnesotan, and the way I just read super in my head was incredibly Minnesotan haha.
      5. Some examples of non-explicit insults I'm thinking of are things like dork, cornball, and butterball. What are some of your favorites?
      6. Who else remembers Booya? I can''t remember a kid who didn't use Booya whenever they could, but now you get made fun of if you try throwing that out casually. I know that this also isn't technically a word but I miss shizzle, really any of Snoop's -izzles.
      7. Luminescent, transcendent, meander, and quixotic immediately come to mind. They're just fun to say and sound nice. I especially like quixotic because it has two uncommon letters!
      8. I would have chosen Metta World Peace but Ron Artest beat me to it, and my second choice is already taken by Dwayne Johnson. For real though, I don't know. Some words work well as names (Hope, Faith, etc) but others simply fall flat (Blue Ivy, North West).
      9. I've always found the words stupendous, vivacious, canoodle, lollygag, and jackanapes pretty funny, especially canoodle. Saying words with the letter v is also fun to do.
      10. It takes more effort for me to text in short-hand, I much prefer using full sentences and proper grammar. There are a couple quick things I use, like substituting "right now" with "rn" and "Hi, how are you doing?" with "sup."
      11. Based on intonations, hand gestures, and facial expressions, I'm able to piece together the generally gist of what they're saying. However, this is easier with some languages than others. For example, with Spanish, it's pretty easy to understand when a sentence begins and ends, whether it's a question or a statement, and how to respond. With languages like Chinese or Japanese, doing that is much more difficult.
      12. A mild Southern accent is my favorite but a really strong one (your typical redneck) is painful to listen to and difficult to decipher. Northern accents, specifically Minnesotan accents are hilarious. Their vowel elongation and unique pronunciation get me every time. Boston accents drive me crazy though, really any accent from the Northeast infuriate me, it's just a hassle to try to understand and they always sound like the're angry.
      13. I tend to be pretty conservative with my usage of lol. I think I send a text with it in there once every couple days when I'm being sarcastic or the message deserves more than a "haha" as a reply. On the other hand, I have friends who send texts riddled with lol and it gets to be pretty annoying, I try to avoid doing this as much as possible.
      14. I would argue that it depends on the language that you're trying to learn. I bet that learning how to write Japanese would be incredibly difficult, whereas writing Spanish is relatively easier. Speaking Italian would be difficult for me because it sounds like such a bouncy language. Reading Chinese is quite difficult for me, especially because there's no phonetics. If you don't know a word, you can guess it's meaning based on the characters, but the pronunciation is much more difficult to figure out.
      15. Absolutely! I've perfected my British, Indian, Arab, South African, Chinese, and Canadian accents. There are a few that require more practice to master. For example, nailing the British accent was pretty easy because I'm American and it's pretty easy to learn, whereas learning the South African accent was pretty difficult for me because I always ended up speaking in a British accent. I learned my Chinese and Arab ones through immersion, being around people who normally speak that way really solidified my confidence and abilities.
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