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Everything posted by Luna

  1. A small correction: A mi también me gusta Juanes! Mi canción favorita es "A Dios Le Pido". Me gusta la canción "Yo sigo aquí" de Carla Morrison. I didn't really know how to explain the difference between "yo también" and "a mi también" but I found a clear explanation online. "The rule is simple: you repeat what the other person said, with the same structure, but referring to yourself. First sentence in the first person for "yo": [Yo] Quiero ir --- Yo también (quiero ir) [Yo] He visto la película --- Yo también (he visto la película) First sentence in the third person for "me": (A mí) Me gusta el jazz --- A mí también (me gusta el jazz) (A mí) Me apetece un helado --- A mí también (me apetece un helado)" In this example the words inside the parenthesis are implied but not told. As for favorito/favorita, the word canción in Spanish is considered feminine because nouns ending in "-ción" / "-sión" / "-gión" are feminine, so you would use the feminine word favorita instead of favorito.
  2. I hope you don't mind some corrections. Qué música en español te gusta? (the s at the end of "gusta" is not needed, the word "música" is singular so if you are referring to it you will use the singular "gusta". If it were referring to something plural you would use "gustan". For example: "Qué canciones te gustan?") Me gusta Juanes, una banda de rock alternativo. Hace muchas canciones buenas. A tí, ?qué música te gusta? (Bienes means "goods" as in "Have you delivered the goods?". Buena means good as in "That song is good". Because canciones is plural you use "buenas". You are not supposed to start a sentence with the word "Y".)
  3. - bellaco/ bellaca (also bellako, beyako, beyaco)- means horny - bellaquear / bellaquiar - depending on the context it means either to have sex or to bump and grind very sexually while out dancing - perreo - a type of dance that goes with reggaeton music, that is practically doggy style with clothes on - yal - it's a newer term, it's not new but it became common in the last couple of years. It's a "cafre" women. She wears a "dubi", big purse, high heels, shorts or short skirt, has long tacky nails, too much makeup, sometimes permanent makeup or eyebrows. She's like the female companion to the caco now, but before the female would just be called caca. I think the main difference between the caca and yal is that the yal is more feminine although both are slutty "cafres". - dubi - a hair wrap, similar to one that Rihanna wore to the AMAs
  4. Oh I didn't realize this forum censored swear words. Anyway the censored word is supposed to be $h!t. A couple of other ones are: - puta - wh0r3, slut, b!tch - pendejo - id!0t , dumbass, also used to refer to someone very naive - caco - pretty much the same as a wanksta in America or chav in England. They only listen to reggaeton, always wear expensive sneakers (Puma and Nike Jordan are fav brands), tend to have tricked out Honda, wear gold chains... - puñeta - in Puerto Rico is used similar to coño and carajo, as a curse word like the English $h!t or damn. I've heard it means masturbating in other places. - coño - similar to f*k or dammit, used the same way as puñeta and carajo. Ex "Coño! Maldito carro se metio en el medio" (F*k. That damn car got in the way) - guillao - someone full of themselves, thinks they are better than anyone, may or may not also be "cafre" or "come mierda" - come mierda - literally means sh!t eater, in Puerto Rico it refers to a stuck up or pretensions person - guaynabito - it's a rich "come mierda". It usually refers to young people from the town of Guaynabo or at least from the metro area that also tend to act very "white" American. The kind of teens that shot at Abercrombie or Aeropostale.
  5. Are you looking for general slang or swear words? Here are some of the swear words most used in Puerto Rico. - carajo - It's used sometimes like shit in English. Ex. "!Carajo! Me corté el deo." (Shit! I cut my finger). It's also used like hell when sending someone to it. Ex. "Vete pa'l carajo." (Go to hell.) it's very versatile. - cabrón - Also very versatile. It mostly means "asshole". Depending on the tone it could be an insult or just a way that "cafres" call each other. Ex. "Te voy a matar cabrón" (I'm going to kill you, asshole), "Que' la que cabrón" (Whattup [dude, homie, etc]). Don't say this to older Puerto Ricans as before it was considered a much offensive word that meant your wife was screwing someone else. - cafre - it means tacky or ghetto or something similar to trailer thrash. Being "cafre" doesn't mean being low class, it's a kind of behavior that not all low class people have, and some higher class people have it if they grew up with that culture around them. Usually people from "caserios" and "barriadas".
  6. I'm from Puerto Rico. Besides ours, Dominican and Mexican Spanish is quite easy for me to understand because I've been exposed more to the culture. Dominicans are probably the largest group of non Puerto Rican hispanics that live here, and Mexican Spanish is used a lot on tv. I think the Argentinian Spanish is one of the hardest to understand.
  7. Yep English is thought here while speaking Spanish. We take English from Kindergarten to 12th grade but a lot of people never learn to speak it in all those years, they just memorize whatever they need to past the test. Getting him to stop thinking in Spanish is probably the best way in the long run, but his English now is so basic that I'm sure he couldn't think in English even if he wanted (he's vocabulary is super limited).
  8. I don't know much as I usually don't use text speak or chat speak but I know of: q = que pq = por que d = de bn = bien ps = pues dnd = donde tqm - te quiero mucho cel = teléfono celular uni = universidad msj = mensaje pls = por favor (from the English please) Words that normally use "Qu" are changed into "K" to save a character. An example would be: kiero = quiero Sometimes bowels are omitted from words if it's still pretty clear what the word is: mñna = mañana Also a lot of the times the more standard English abbreviations like lol, rofl, brb, irl... are used when chatting in Spanish.
  9. Some corrections: Me gusta que estudiar Español [español] y otras [otros] idiomas, y me gusta que como saludable. The word que is not necessary here and the word español doesn't need to be capitalized. In Spanish the names of languages aren't capitalized, also the name of where people are from. For example Estados Unidos would be capitalized but not estadounidense, Japón would be capitalized but not japonés. The word otras should be changed to otros because otras should be used when referring to something femenine and the word idiomas is masculine. It's confusing because usually words that end with a are femenine but not in this case. Also the sentence could be structured differently. The part about eating healthy has nothing to do with learning a lenguage so I would put that on it's own sentence, like this: Me gusta estudiar español y otros idiomas. Tambien me gusta comer saludable. Notice I changed "que como" to "comer". Basically what you wrote was "And I like that I eat healthy" and I would change that to "Also I like eating healthy". I change "Y" to "También" because in Spanish you don't start sentences with the word "y" (and).
  10. Thanks. I have him watching English tv and movies but he tells me he really doesn't get it. He needs more help than that. I'm going to look into the university. That's a great idea.
  11. My partner needs to learn English because we will be traveling to the United States soon. We want to get our CDL's and become truck drivers. What's the best method of teaching him? He took conversational English with me in collage but honestly the class was too advanced for him, the professor would give all instructions in English and without me translating I'm sure he would have failed. I acquired English when I was a kid. I don't have perfect pronunciation and I'm a little slow speaking it because I've never lived in an English speaking place, but English is almost as natural for me as my native lenguage. I know how it works but not how to explain it to him. What are the best methods for learning ESL? Is a payed school the only option or are there at home methods I can try?
  12. A mi me encantan varios platos criollos como el mofongo, tostones, arrañitas de plátano, sorullitos de maíz con queso, empanadillas de carne y pollo. También me gusta la comída típica de las navidades puertorriqueñas: el arroz con gandules, el lechon, los pasteles y los guineitos en escabeche. Los postres que más me gustan son los quesitos y los pastelillos de guayaba.
  13. The correct way to write this would be. "Me encanta la comida española" "la" is a feminine definitive article and it should be used when you are talking about an object in general but not in specific. For example Hoy comí comida española. = Today I ate Spanish food. In that example you don't need to use the article "la" because you are talking about specific food you ate.
  14. Espero que no te moleste si te corrijo. No soy maestra así que espero poder explicar mi corrección bién. Primero voy a escribir lo mismo que tu pero como yo entiendo que sería correacto y luego hago comentarios. " Yo amo la comida latina! Mis platos favoritos son tacos, empanados, chimichungas, taquitos, tamales y mucha salsa. También amo el flan, pero no lo como con frecuencia." "Yo" means I. "amo" is the verb so "yo amo" means I love. "la" is a definite article. The subject is "comida" which is a feminine word so you use the feminine article "la" before it. You need to use a definite article when referring to a specific object or a class of objects like in this example "la comida" means food in a general sense and not a specific food. For the next sentence I added the word "platos" because in Spanish that sentence has no subject. In Spanish the verb to be can be translated into either "ser" or "estar" depending on the context. If you are talking about what something is, use ser; if you are talking about how something is, use estar. In this case you should use "ser" so I changed the word "estan" to "son" because you are talking about what is your favorite food. So "mis platos favoritos son" means "my favorite dishes are". On the last sentence I changed the word y to "también" which means Also because in spanish you cant start a sentence with the word "y" which means and. I added the word "amo" because the sentence didn't have a verb but i could also use "me gusta" instead. Again I added "el" which is a masculine definitive article because you are talking about flan in a general sense and not a specific plan. Since you used flan already, there's no need to say it again in the same sentence so I restructured the sentence. The sentence I wrote means "I also love flan, but I don't eat it with frequency" where as the original sentence said "And flan, but I don't eat flan with frequency" I hope this critique was helpful and that I explained it correctly.
  15. Hello everyone. I'm from PR and I my native lenguage is Spanish. I'm pretty good at English but have never been outside PR. I'm hoping to fine tune my English because I will be moving to the states. I would also like to find someone to help me teach English to my partner. Also I'm here to help people out if they are learning Spanish.
  16. Hola. Yo hablo español. I'm a new member here and I'm from Puerto Rico.
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