Yes, I agree with takibari. While your sentences are gramatically correct, there are more eloquent ways to say what you want to say: "In Greek mythology, Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was abducted by her uncle Hades, brough to Hell, and was forced to marry him against her will. Once in Hell, she was offered some fruit. Persephone only ate six pomegranate seeds, but this was enough to bind her to Hell forever. Demeter, who was her mother and the goddess of fertility and agriculture, used to gift the men of Earth with fair weather and plentiful harvests. After her daughter’s abduction, however, she unleashed a never-ending winter. Intervention by Zeus helped Demeter and Hades come to an agreement. Although Persephone had not eaten the whole pomegranate, she had eaten six of its seeds; she was still obliged to live for at least six months with her husband in Hell. However, she was granted permission to spend the rest of the year with her mother on Earth. Demeter, satisfied with the arrangement, grew happy once again, and as a result, the fields flourished in the spring and the summer. "