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      celebritea - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      • Currently studying
      • Native tongue
      • Fluent in
        Spanish (semi-fluent)

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      Newbie (1/14)



      1. As we all know, music has so many elements that cause people to relate/connect to it. For example the rhythm, instrumental, melody, harmonies ect. But what I you don't understand the LYRICS. I definetly do get into music in foreign language. What about you?
      2. I'd say Spanish specifically if you live in the Americas. and in general Mandarin, as a huge population of the world speaks that language so it will behoove you to learn sooner than later.
      3. Good question Have: When referring to yourself (singular) (I) When referring to your self AND other people (plural)(we) When referring to other people (plural) (they) Has: When referring to one other PERSON/being/object (singular) (he/she/it/name)
      4. Confidence is probably number one. Communicating in a foreign language can be intimidating/awkward, but little bit by little bit, try to communicate as often as possible! Don't be afraid of looking/sounding stupid. I've found native Spanish-speakers that I've communicated with tend to be very understanding, helpful, and patient. So just go for it! Practice makes perfect.
      5. I used to love these as a kid! "How much wood, can a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood chuck, could chuck wood?" "Shelly picked a seashell from the sea shore" (<~~that one might not be accurate LOL)
      6. Given that we didn't live in an area where the main language spoken was foreign ,so there's "rush": I'd say about 5; an age where they already have a good handle on their first language, so would have more "context" learning a foreign language. What do you think?
      7. I started learning in school and it's something I've always excelled at. Never was great with math/science , but I'm a language arts geek to the core. So it made learning other languages that much easier to me. Conversely, learning a foreign language has also made me stronger in my native language (English)
      8. My parents never implemented this, but that would've been interesting. I took Spanish all throughout high school and had many Hispanic friends, so if anything I was the one always trying to teach my parents Spanish words or have them listen to Latin music with me lol. My mom wasn't terribly interested, but my father appreciated it, as he has many Hispanic patients he needs to communicate with.
      9. I've always found the Spanish term "Muñeca" to be so sweet. Translated literally from English, it means "doll" or "wrist", but is most commonly used a term of endearment like "darling" or sweetie". I remember my favorite Spanish teacher used to call us that. I miss her.
      10. That's interesting that you think it is the easiest. What makes you think that? I'd think it'd be one of the most difficult being that our language is so nuanced, confusing, contradictory, and the etymology of the English language I very derivative of others.
      11. Making commands in Spanish is something ive never quite mastered. But, since graduating HS, I've gotten really rusty in general with my Spanish so it's really frustrating forgetting words I used to know like the back of my hand. Which is why I'm HERE!
      12. No problem. We're all here to learn! There are so many nuances when it comes to learning/speaking foreign languages.
      13. I'm kind of middle of the road. I'm relatively proper when texting, but when texting friends, I sometimes text creatively/expressively, spelling words phonetically (how I pronounce them), just for fun. But I'm VERY big on punctuation (commas, periods, ect, in their proper places).
      14. For slang/casual greetings, the most common is probably "what's up?", "what's going on?" Or even "how ya doin'?" And of course "hey/hi" More "street" terms are "what's good?", "what it do", and "yo" and "aye" instead of "hi/hey".
      15. I'm from the south, but I've been told I have "no" accent, somehow. American accents have always been intriguing to me and the history/influence behind them. I recently moved from Georgia (where the basic "southern drawl" is common) to coastal South Carolina. Natives from this area have a very interesting accent, that almost sounds Caribbean. I believe it's called a "Gullah" accent. It's fascinating to me. What's you accent/dialect? Where are you from?
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