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Everything posted by zurcminister

  1. Good luck Killer Queen and I hope you really hope you get to master the language you wish to learn. Do the best you can and work hard and you can go places.
  2. This is just sad if this happens to me and this is the reason why I do not want to go to a place wherein the people cannot speak a little English because definitely there will be problems encountered. It is then very important to bring a dictionary if this happens.
  3. Mastering a new language would take from one to two years at most but if you are really interested to learn and pretty quick then you can master it in six to eight months to a year. What do you think guys? More power to all of us.
  4. Yes I also loved the mix of Spanish and more Filipino dialects and this is the reason why I love to learn the language. I was hoping to find a dictionary from one of the book stores here, but was disappointed to find that no such book is available. In the internet, I found a few site but they have limited information.
  5. Google translate is a great help for non native speaker of a particular language or for someone in need of learning of a new language. Personally, I used it when I was conversing with a Russian client. And although we spoke different languages, we understood each other and closed the sale.
  6. Well that is rude and not should be the case. If a country and its people's native speakers do not help the would be learner then they should move on and try to ask for help from other native speakers because I do not think all of them in a country would be rude and disrespectful.
  7. Chavacano de Zamboanga for the information of everyone not in the know is a cross between Spanish and Latin and contains mixes and touches of Visayan and Ilonggo and some words from other islands which make it very unique from other languages of the Philippines.
  8. I am also trying to learn Chinese and the biggest weakness of the language is the difficulty in the pronunciation of the words which is its biggest limitation. The solution for which would be to learn it through TV shows or perhaps learn and immerse with a native speaker who may teach the correct pronunciation.
  9. That is still one of the best ways for one to learn a new language and this includes your twelve year old son. Another way to best learn the language would still be to have him speak with a native language speaker and in this case, swedish men or women or children that can speak the language.
  10. A good way to handle expressions of any language would be one of the following. Firstly, is to directly talk to a native speaker and learn from him or her. Second is to research in the internet and to really search hard on the subject. Personally though, I would prefer the first option and learn personally from those people who speak the language naturally.
  11. Latin masses are being celebrated in the Vatican where the seat of Christianity is located and would therefore be solemn and the celebration would be very special for would be visitors there. I would like to experience that one time and I really would have to understand Latin at the very least to be able to appreciate it.
  12. English Education is very important and should be taught in schools because English is the language of business and that it is hard to do an international business if you do not know basic english. English is spoken in most countries in the world and is ranked number one in the number of countries using the language. So with these, there is really no argument that this should form part in any school system to be taught to students.
  13. Well I always practice all the time because I need all the time in my job because English is the language of business after all. I practice through writing. I also practice through speaking consciously and unconsciously. How about you guys?
  14. Well I do not really know the difference and if someone does here then enlighten me. For me, though I am exposed to American English and I guess this is the version that were thought to us as kids even up to this time. So the choice is obvious, I would pick American English over British English. I am welcome though to know the difference.
  15. I have a lot of English movies in mind and I love them all but my number one and best English movie all time is a tie between 300, the newest version of karate kid and Drum Line. I choose the three because of the great storylines and plots and the messages of the movie. After all this is the main reason for watching movies and that is to learn and enjoy as well.
  16. Yes the language is truly amazing. I am going in and out of Zamboanga for work and would really like to learn the language. I also find it very cool as I am like learning Spanish, mixed with Tagalog, Bisaya and even Ilonggo or Hiligaynon. I am amazed when people start to speak Chavacano and I cannot help but stand in awe and that is why I am trying to learn Chavacano. I have been trying to research through the net but there is little information in the internet and I hope to find even a dictionary to start my learning process. Still the same, I will have to ask people I know in Zamboanga to teach me and hopefully I will learn it slowly but surely.
  17. If I could do such that will definitely be an achievement. For those people who are trying to learn five languages at once is such an amazing feat as this is very challenging and is very difficult to achieve. I guess this can be done but really needs a ton of concentration and discipline. So I would like to send out a big good luck to those attempting such and I know you are up to the task in the attempt to do so. Keep it up!
  18. Oh well perhaps this language is not yet famous all over the world and perhaps the language needs more exposure as it is only in the Philippines that it can be found but I have you guys give it a chance to be explored and recognized not as a major language but as one of those very unique languages in the lesser known parts of the world.
  19. Well next up for me is trying to learn Japanese because I really love the language as I like to understand things that are uniquely Japanese and that I would like to go to Japan for a visit. Another reason is that I would like to understand Japanese Anime that I love to watch.
  20. I had the Latin as a subject during college and it started by passion for learning other languages forme. I think the importance of which was it was the starting point of my admiration for latin as the mother of most languages in the world and would be recommended to be learned before venturing into other languages.
  21. You can start doing your English practice by reading books. Next step is to watch video clips about English and their usage but probably the best solution is to associate yourself with native English speakers and that we should be open to furthering your eEnglish reading and wring skiss for that matter as English speaking.
  22. Well the single most effective way to learn any language and not only Spanish is to go out and speak to a native speaker and even immerse yourself with the community where the language is largely spoken. This way, you will get to pick up good speaking practices and habits. Another good way is to observe speakers in the television or listening to radios using the language you wish to learn. This will really help and I hope it does for many people who are trying to learn new languages the world over.
  23. Chavacano de Zamboanga is a unique language from Zamboanga, city province in the Island of Mindanao in the Philippines. What is unique about this language is the fact that it is a cross between Spanish, Latin, Bisaya, and Tagalog and is therefore, referred to as broken Spanish. Does anyone here have an idea of the language. If you do happen to have an idea of it, may you share or teach us the basics of the language. I hope you can help out guys. Thank you and more power to all of us.
  24. I guess this is generally true for people who are trying to learn a new language because they are very afraid to be ridiculed or corrected for their mistakes so they usually fend off when speaking in public and would rather write than speak up. Trying to speak up I guess would be healthy in trying to learn a language because you will be corrected on the right way of using the new words or phrases you learn from real time speakers. This is the best way to learn and we should not shy away in doing so.
  25. This is because you will not be pressured to speak up and you will remain relaxed and comfortable in writing on your own and in ones own term as well. Also, writing can loosen certain rules of different languages. For example, you will not worry so much about the intonation and spelling and even stressing out words as strictly observed by other languages. And in the absence of such, you can communicate with others just as long as the other individual understands the language even through writing only.
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