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Found 3 results

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to invite you to my new video "English Practice Conversation." This video allows English learners to practice their conversation skills. I hope you will enjoy it. Thank you!
  2. Hello. I have created a free online course on how to score a full mark in the writing section of standardized English tests. Please check it out. I hope it's helpful for everyone. Please also feel free to leave any reviews. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I'm a native German speaker and I love teaching English and German. I love the natural process of learning a language. I started to share my language knowledge with others. I want to give something back to society. I´m highly motivated to teach and to get better in teaching. Every feedback will be highly appreciated. I like languages especially German and English. I´m happy to find this forum - all of us can benefit from each other´s language knowledge! Thanks! Viele Grüße aus Deutschland - Best regards from germany, langu_eng “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” (Frank Smith)
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