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Found 8 results

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to invite you to my new video "English Practice Conversation." This video allows English learners to practice their conversation skills. I hope you will enjoy it. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone! 👨‍🏫👨‍🏫👍 I would like to invite you all to my new YouTube channel ("Learn for Fun '83") where you will learn some basic Spanish phrases, verbs, and basic conversation in Spanish for free today! I have also included a free English course (for non-English speakers) for those who would like to learn English for free today! I really appreciate your support. Please subscribe to the channel, leave me your comments, and suggestions. I plan to post more videos later on, but I need your support. I love to share my knowledge with other language learners. Below you will find a screenshot of the 4 existing videos I posted on my YouTube channel:
  3. Hola Estimados Estudiantes!👨‍🏫👍 Bienvenidos a este curso completo de Ingles donde ustedes aprenderan Ingles desde el nivel zero y basico hasta el nivel intermedio con frases, verbos, y vocabulario para la vida diaria en Estados Unidos. Espero disfruten de este curso. Por favor, no olviden suscribirse al canal, dejenme sus comentarios, recomendaciones, y likes. Les recomiendo que vean este curso hasta el final para que puedan aprender bien el idioma Ingles. Suerte a todos! Hello Dear Students! 👨👍 Welcome to this English course for Spanish speakers. In this course you will learn phrases, verbs, and vocabulary for daily life in the United States. Please subscribe to the channel, leave me your comments, suggestions, and likes. I strongly suggest that you watch this video until the end. Thank you and good luck! El curso lo pueden encontrar en mi canal de YouTube (you will find the course on my YouTube channel): "Learn for Fun '83"
  4. Hola amigos y amigas, Los invito a mis cursos de Ingles de gratis para la vida cotidiana con frases, vocabulario, y verbos por mi canal de YouTube "aprendamos ingles 83" Por favor no olviden suscribirse al canal, pues continuare posteando nuevos cursos en las proximas semanas. Les agradezco me hagan llegar sus comentarios y le recomienden los cursos a sus amigos y amistades. Aqui encontraran un enlace a alguno de los cursos. Se los recomiendo. Recuerden suscribirse al canal. Gracias! Enlace de los cursos de Ingles:
  5. Here is the secret to learning and remembering vocabulary. Follow this formula, and for every one word you learn, you will learn at least 5 more including phrasal verbs, idioms and more... LearniNG-VOCAB2.pdf
  6. Hi everyone, I am new to this site and I am so glad to be here to share materials! I have attached my two lessons on learning vocabulary. The first is a presentation on what things are important for learning a new word (parts of speech, synonyms etc) and the second is a deeper look into what collocations are and how we use them. Enjoy! I post weekly on our blog if you like what you see! FCE writing, grammar etc.! http://the-language-corner.com/news/ LearniNG-VOCAB2.pdf Learning Vocab-collocations.pdf
  7. You can learn to speak Languages with Alina! I offer classes in English, German, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish for Foreigners. Come and sign up for classes today! The classes are dynamic and personalized and they can be for individual students or for groups for both private individuals and companies. The classes are given in each language avoiding translation. The most important thing is that the student will start speaking regardless of their level from their very first class! And of course having fun while learning is esencial! So get going and sign up now! Visit My Blog Follow Me On Twitter and like me on Facebook and call me to schedual your class today 011 15-6785-2727
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