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Found 23 results

  1. Lingopolo just became 100% free and intends to become the Wikipedia of the language-learning world. You should definitely try it: http://lingopolo.com/
  2. A proven grammar-based approach that gets you communicating in Spanish with confidence, right awayEasy Spanish Step by Step proves that a solid grounding in grammar basics is the key to mastering a second language. Grammatical rules and concepts are clearly explained in order of importance, and more than 300 verbs and key terms are introduced on the basis of frequency. Numerous exercises and engaging readings help learners quickly build their Spanish speaking and comprehension prowess.download the book. https://goo.gl/yuVQpP
  3. Episoden is a free site where you can practice English speaking with people all around the world. The site also provides interesting topics to talk about. It has daily events and you can meet great people! I highly recommend it. It's not a free trial or anything, it's literally free. Plus, there are no ads!! Hope I can see some of you here!! https://www.episoden.com/main
  4. Episoden is a free site where you can practice English speaking with people all around the world. The site also provides interesting topics to talk about. It has daily events and you can meet great people! I highly recommend it. It's not a free trial or anything, it's literally free. Plus, there are no ads!! Hope I can see some of you here!! https://www.episoden.com/main
  5. Hi co-learner! I have finally found two online tools I can use in conjunction to compare any male or female voices (very good) with my own. I can paste any text in many languages and for free. There is a fee for larger use. I can even change the speech rate and and the voice shaping. Iit's really a must to perfect our pronunciation like a native! Here are the links: https://acapela-box.com/AcaBox/index.php https://www.speakpipe.com/voice-recorder Description of both services by the providers: "The acapela-box service immediately converts any text into an audio file by using the high-quality text-to-speech voices by Acapela Group." "SpeakPipe voice recorder allows you to create an audio recording directly from a browser by using your microphone. The recording is produced locally on your computer, and you can record as many times as you need. There is the option to save your recording on the SpeakPipe server and get a link to it, so you can send it via email or use on the web." I hope this can be useful to you. Feel free to share your experience here, waldan
  6. Learn new languages by reading anything you choose. This was inspired by other site/projects like the opensource Lwt, the closed source lingq etc... Here's how it works: - You import any text you want. - When you read, there's a built-in dictionary which allows to quickly get its translation. - LingLibre marks in the text this word as saved with a particular color. The more you read, the more words appear as 'known'. There are still more functions as: importing from other software like lwt, exporting to Anki Suggestion of similar words to the words you've already saved integration of Google translate to translate the whole sentence direct import of webpage, PDF, EPUB etc... keyboard shortcuts for very fast reading statistics etc... This project is opensource: it's free to use and to modify: Any participants are welcomed to use and help coding this project: The main project (source code) is hosted here: https://github.com/gustavklopp/LingL Any code suggestions, discussions, bug reports should be posted here: https://github.com/gustavklopp/LingL/issues You can download it (Linux, Windows, Mac) here: https://github.com/gustavklopp/LingL/releases
  7. 大家好!I wanted to share my free pop-up dictionary that allows you to learn Chinese while watching your favorite shows on Netflix and reading on the web. You can bookmark new words and export them to flashcard decks. Both ‘s’ and ‘b’ will save/bookmark words. You can download the extension for free here: https://www.inkah.co/ Here’s also a short video tutorial on how to use it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7srrvsXi2k I hope you all find this helpful! 加油!
  8. Dear fellow Forum-Users, I would like to inform you about a tool I recently programmed (in PHP*) to create interlinear texts, which can then be used in language learning e.g. with the Birkenbihl-Method - (here you can find more information on the Birkenbihl-method: http://www.vidactic.com/?page_id=868) * thus it needs to run on a web-server or on a local server The software was intended to create interlinear texts, that can then be printed out and sold in paper-form to people. I created a github repository with the software. (You can access the repository here: https://github.com/p-freeman/Interlinear-Text-Creator) However, as I don't have access to a computer as of now, I didn't yet completely upload the whole contents of the folder "phpqrcode" (the folder "cache" is still missing). If someone could download the software "phpqrcode" to his computer (from here: http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net/) and then add the missing files to the repository, that would be great. Otherwise, please just be patient until I can get access to a computer to add the missing files myself. Then, once the repository is ready, the software can be downloaded and installed on a webserver or operated locally e.g. on Android with the app "AWebServer" (which also has a php web-server included). Then you can add your own texts and with the software create your own interlinear texts, which can then be used in language-learning. Afterwards you can open the created html-page with Chrome (e.g. on Android) and click on share and then print and then you can print it as pdf. Then you can print out this pdf and offer it on sale to other people. An explanation of how to exactly use the tool (especially the input syntax that the software uses) can be found in the README.md-file in the github-repository. Greetings and have a nice evening, Peter
  9. There are five free apps that aid a person willing to learn a new language. They are: 1. Duolingo 2. Memrise 3. busuu 4. Google Translate 5. iHandy Translator Free Which one do you use or have experience with?
  10. Looking for a language exchange partner? Want to make friends all over the world? Recently our new site https://sharelingual.com/en/ launched, and we are looking for users who are interested in language exchange. Currently, you can open up an account and connect with other users from all around the world for free. Whatever language you're interested in learning, you can find a great partner. So, if you're currently studying a language or would like to make global friends, we hope you check out sharelingual.com! Look forward to seeing you there!
  11. Hey guys, I wanted to share this great directory of free language learning resources. The site is specific to Spanish, but many of the apps and resources are available in all languages. Hope this helps! www.learningspanishforfree.net
  12. I can easily memorize 20 words a day if play daily. But like all study, really need to study consistently. Now I able to recognise 300+ words just from this app Playstore:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jensonm.learnchineselite Blog:- http://learn-memorize-chinese.blogspot.my/2016/04/this-is-website-that-can-enable-you-to.html Youtube:-
  13. I speak Maltese, which is spoken by around 400,000 people. It is a unique language, which is a mixture of Arabic, Italian, French etc...You can learn it here for free: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alpha.android.maltese
  14. A little while back, I made my on-line “Spanish Pronunciation Workshop” available for free to all members of this forum. I decided to do it again. So, here it is...! I have also developed a “SER & ESTAR Workshop” but I would REALLY like some feedback on the Pronunciation Workshop. The "SER and ESTAR" workshop is fully developed but is not free. Check it out, if you wish. So, por favor, if you have a little free time, click on the link below, complete the course, leave your comments (for other participants to see) OR send me your feedback (bueno o malo) to: [email protected] Muchas gracias...!
  15. Yeah, this is our own app. It is new and we are studying on it. I am believing this app can easy people's reading on a foreign language. Reading Browser is showing you translations by Google Translate. Check it out.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.com.blogspot.androidlister.readingbrowser02
  16. Hello, If you are struggling with grammar, memorizing new words or other boring stuff while learning a language, I have found a great language learning platform to study 100+languages for free. It's called Bliu Bliu (https://bliubliu.com/) Basically you read random content from the internet which was selected according to your level of competence. You press words that you already know and that’s how you "level up". No memorizing, no translations, you just figure out meanings like a baby from context. Also no grammar learning you just figure out it from context too. You can add your own books there as well. Another thing they are offering is 30days challenges where you talk with a native and get all info you need to improve. They have about 10ish different language challenges and they actually work! I was surprised to see my Japanese improve so fast and I could actually speak by the end of the month. this one: https://bliubliu.com/en/learning/challenge/learn-japanese-in-30-days-1/#video-102 I highly recommend it to busy people and for those who hate memorizing boring stuff, it's a lot of fun and not at all pricey.
  17. Hi everyone, I'm Pedro and I'm new to this forum but I plan on being an active member here at linguaholics. I'm currently trying to learn french using the FSI Course and decided to record my language learning adventure on youtube. I hope that this forum will help me meet people who are also interested in learning French. if you want to check out my channel go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqwOTladqH71pBaWqVUeHTQ Thanks for reading!
  18. Hey everyone! If you're learning a language and you want an easy way to get started, check out this free learn a language challenge: https://rypeapp.com/learn-a-language It shares 10 of the most common words every morning to help you learn 1,000 words in 100 days. It's limited to Spanish and French right now.
  19. Hello! I have a free app to recommend to you all who do not know of it. It's name, you ask? It's Duolingo! This app sends notifications reminding you to continue learning after a day, as well as offering many languages to learn (which new ones get added every so often)! I have been using it for my Swedish and French, and I'm not doing bad with it. Consider using Duolingo for your next language! This app also offers customization options for the owl (it's mascot), which can be bought using 'Lingots" from completing lessons, another way to usher you into learning languages.
  20. Hello Everyone, I am using the HelloTalk App to practice my Spanish with the native speakers. It's so easy to use, just like using WhatsApp, but it does have a lot of features for language learning, such as in-app translation, text-to-voice, voice-to-text, transliteration, and grammar correction, etc. What is the most impressive is this App is TOTALLY FREE. It really helps me a lot, my language partners are so cute and kind, I love this APP. Here is the link, http://br.hellotalk.com/l/9HqiBhUA7Q
  21. NEWS!! I have decided to give away 100 coupons, for 100% discount on my new Udemy course - Japanese Conversation for English Speakers. Yes, that means you can enjoy my course for FREE!You can get the coupon here: Japanese conversation for English speakers | Udemy
  22. Hello, guys! This is my first post, but I know a really good place to help with your language learning! It's called Pronunciator; it is a website and an app (I prefer the website more, but I use both). The program features 80 different languages you can learn. It is a completely free site but only if you are a student and your school supports the program (like my school) or you are a member of your local library and they support it, which they most likely do. If you are not a student or do not have a library membership you will have to pay. I am learning Korean through this site, and it is really helpful for learning vocabulary and useful phrases, but the downside is the romanization is TERRIBLE. If you are learning Korean like me, I recommend you use this site only if you already mastered the Korean alphabet and can read it. I was lucky because I could already do this going into the program. I know that German and Chinese is ok with this aspect, but I can't speak for other languages and how well the romanization is for them. Some of the features pronunciator offers are progress tracking, quizzes on different skill sets, ProRadio, ProFlix and flashcards, The progress tracker will show you how far you've gotten in a lesson with an average of the grades you've made on assignments. The quizzes are made to test you on vocabulary, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, spelling, writing, and pronunciation. With the pronunciation quizzes you speak into a speaker (on your phone, tablet, or computer) and it will tell you how well you pronounced it and give you a percentage grade on each set you pronounce. ProRadio is kind of like Pandora but it gives you songs in the language you're learning with the lyrics on the right side of you screen. ProFlix is the same type of deal. It gives you a movie to watch, but it also includes quizzes and drills. The flashcards help you to learn by letting you rate how well you the word or phrase with 4 choices. How you rate yourself lets Pronunciator know how long to bring the vocabulary up again. For tonal languages such as Chinese there is Pitch Perfect which compares the tones to musical notes and then compares your pronunciation to native speakers. I hope this helps! Let me know what you think of the program. To sign up using a school or library account go to their database and search for it and it will let you sign up. If you would like to take a look at it here is the link. http://www.pronunciator.com/
  23. Just found out about a free program for PCs called Buensoft Lingua and it looks very good. Has anyone tried it?
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