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      1. Hi guys! My name is Emily, and I help translate health questions and answers into Spanish and Chinese for HealthTap. HealthTap is the leader in telehealth where doctors across 130 specialties can answer any health question for free and provide virtual consults 24/7 through our pre...
      2. HUKUKİ TERCÜME NEDİR? Hukuki tercüme; resmi makamlara sunulmak için sevindirici, makalelerin ve kanunların hedef dile çevrilmesi sürecidir. Kişiye uygun ulaşım için kullanılmaya başlanmak için tercümeye hazırlık yapılır. · Sürücü belgesi · Ölüm ve doğum belgeleri...
      3. Hello :-) I need some help using the correct grammar for this sentence I want to say: 私にとって、医学を勉強することは難しいようですから、お医者になりたくて、人助けをしたいことは素晴らしいと思います。 I want the meaning to be something similar to "For me, studying medicine seems difficult, which is why I think it is awesome, that you want to bec...
      4. Are you spending a lot of time teaching your kids spelling? Have you misspelled words in professional emails? Quick test, which of the following is correct: accomodate or accommodate? If your answer is yes to any of the questions, then this is the game for you! *FEATURES* 1. Around 1200 words...
      5. Hello everyone, I am new to this board, maybe I can use this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Maarten, 24 years of age and I live in The Netherlands. Actually I speak Dutch fluently, but my girlfriend doesn't. She lives in Macedonia, and is eager to learn Dutch. We communi...
      6. But even if you dedicate yourself daily, it's still not easy and most people fail, or they peak and then start to forget/lose what they've learned. Why does this happen?? I'll tell you why. Because you're not immersed in the language that you are learning. If I was learning...
      7. I often have questions about French usage that can't be solved by a dictionary, so I have been relying on Linguee quite a lot. For each word or phrase you can get a long list of real-world usages pulled from the Web. It covers many languages, though I can only vouch for the French content...
      8. Can you help me translate this sentence to german: My old sorrows have come back to haunt me.
      9. Hello, i am looking for a little bit of help. If anyone can offer some that would be great. a very good friend of mine has just had a baby and his wife is german. I am looking to buy them a picture that says dream big lukas. but I would like to get it done in german. Could anyone tran...
      10. Hello all, I am working on a project that requires a request to be translated in French, German, Italian and Spanish. I've used a translation app but don't trust it completely. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here's the situation: a group of study abroad students will be going overseas...
      11. Hi.. I need some help. I putted my game (Overwtach) in german so I would listen to it all the time while I play and maybe it could help me learn faster german... But I cant understand almost anything.. So, if you ever played it and know what are the character saying. Could you tell me? I...
      12. There are a couple of words I stumbled onto a week back that I can't seem to find. They have been stuck in my head since, and I have no idea what language they might be from. I am inclined to believe that these words may "loosely" translate into something like "spring flower" in English. Any help in...
      13. Yeah, this is our own app. It is new and we are studying on it. I am believing this app can easy people's reading on a foreign language. Reading Browser is showing you translations by Google Translate. Check it out..
      14. I've attached an image file with something written in what looks like Korean script. Can someone please translate it into English?
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