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Online Resources for the study of the Japanese language [JAPANESE]

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Are you looking for good online resources to study Japanese? Then, look no further.

http://www.saiga-jp.com/japanese_language.html (Introduction of the Japanese language & Characters (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji)

http://nihongo.j-talk.com/ (Kanji Converter -->to Romaji, Hiragana and English)

http://www.kanachart.com/ (Hiragana, Katakana & Kanji for Beginners)


www.kudan-japanese-school.com (Japanese Language School in Tokyo)

http://japanese.reader.bz/ (Japanese Name Translator Tool)

http://kanji.koohii.com/ (Amazing Page to learn Kanji online -->Based on Remembering the Kanji method of J.W.Heisig)




http://app.kanjialive.com/ (A free Study Tool for reading and writing Kanji)

http://www.polarcloud.com/rikaichan/ (popup Japanese-English/German/French/Russian dictionary tool for Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey)

http://www.jisho.org (Online Japanese Dictionary)

http://www.jgram.org/ (Japanese Grammar Database)

http://www.guidetojapanese.org (Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese)

http://www.easyjapanese.org/ (Learn Japanese with Flash Quizzes)

http://japanese.about.com/ (Introduction to the Japanese language by the About series...)

http://www.tofugu.com/ (Stylish Blog about the Japanese language! Very cool indeed)

http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/blog/ (Interesting blog by the famous Japanese Learner 'Khazumoto'. Highly recommended)

http://life.ou.edu/stories/  (really good resources for studying Hiragana)

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