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If you haven't discovered the new Descriptive Grammar of English", check it out !


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You won't be disappointed :smile: .
Entirely new English grammars are rare, so Andrew Rossiter's Descriptive Grammar of English (207 pages) comes as a breath of fresh air among the classic grammar books many of which have been around for over thirty years.
Available as an e-book or paperback from Amazon, this new grammar reference grammar excels by the concision and the clarity of its rules, and the great wealth of really appropriate and memorable examples that it uses to illustrate the fundamental rules of English grammar.  A reviewer at the English Australia journal used the expression "elegant simplicity" with regard to the way this book explains grammar through examples. And since, in the end, most people learn or expand their working knowledge of a language and its grammar by assimilating and copying examples, this reference grammar is both a decriptive and a pedagogical grammar rolled into one.
  If you haven't discovered it already, it's worth checking out.:smile:  There is a "look inside" feature for this book on Amazon, so you can actually flip through a number of sample pages.  http://getbook.at/descriptive-grammar

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