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Are you learning Finnish?


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Are there any Finnish students around? I'm a native speaker, so if you need help with something, feel free to ask. Also I would be curious to know why you decided to study Finnish. I can just imagine how difficult learning Finnish is to foreigners (unless you're Estonian I guess). Do you think it's very hard? Is it the hardest language you ever studied? Have you been to Finland or would you like to visit in the future?

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Dear Groselha

I am actually not studying Finnish but I still have a big interest in this language. I have been in Finland 5 times and I enjoyed every single bit about this wonderful country. Every time we went there, we rent a big house near a lake and then we were just chilling for 1 or 2 weeks and read books, go fishing, enjoying sauna, and eat the whole day :=)

So far I just learned the words kiitos for "thank you" and the word "maito" for milk. Oh and maybe the word for motor is motorii? I would love to hear more about this complex language and it would be great if you could share some basics about the finnish language here on linguaholic.com!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

Yes! Actually, part of my family is Finnish and I grew up knowing the language. However, for various reasons, as I grew up I was around Finnish speakers less, and talked it less and less, and it wasn't long before I forgot it completely.

I've been to Finland once and it was amazing. I just really like the calmness, the nature, the people, and the way social interactions are so low pressure. I want to go back to go to school, since I have a citizenship and school costs here in the US are ridiculous. But before that I'd like to pick up at least some of the language again, so I have something to go off of. At least even during the short time I visited before, I started picking up the language again.

It's very difficult! But I've been around it so much that at least for me it feels more natural than trying to learn other languages.

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  • 2 months later...

I wanted to learn Finnish when I was younger, but it was just a fad. I didn't get too far with this to be honest. Ididnt think it was too hard, for me dutch is harder to learn, but I guess that's because I liked the idea of learning dutch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been studying Finnish for over a year now, and I must say that it is the most confusing language I have ever studied. I have the numbers and counting down fairly well, but the Finnish alphabet confuses me to no end. I think that I am doing alright at mastering the accent and speaking, but writing is giving me a huge headache! I started studying Finnish anticipating a move to Helsinki for business. I understand that most of Helsinki speaks some English, but I thought that it would be polite to be able to communicate in the native language.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there!  Best of luck with that, a friend of mine is married to a Finnish guy and had to learn the language very fast! Man, did she have troubles learning the darn language!  As you said writing it isn't easy at all, they have some really ridiculously long words! I tried to learn it when I was younger and had the spare time, but quit when I had to move abroad.

Best of luck learning Finnish, isn't going to be easy!  But I'm sure you can do it, my friend can speak it very well now :)  She's been there for just 2 years!

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I hope that I can do as well as your friend did! I am still really struggling with the language, and there are so few resources out there for Finnish writing help! I am bound and determined to learn how to sound out the incredibly long words, but the fact that it is taking me half an hour to write a sentence or two is not fun at all! Thank you for the encouragement, I need it!

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, just bumping this thread to see if there's anyone here currently that's interested in learning Finnish. I just joined the forums, I'm a native Finn and I'd love to help out anyone who has any questions on the language or the culture or anything about Finland really :lol:


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