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      The polyglot Club // anyone?!?! | Language Learning Jump to content

      The polyglot Club // anyone?!?!


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      I have just stumbled upon this website here:

      It claims to have almost 500'000 members from all over the world..that sound nice, but actually I have never heard about this page and I don't know anyone who is a member there. What about you guys? Did you hear about the page? Are you already a registered member maybe?  :shy:

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      I've heard about that page and actually use it sometimes. Very rarely though.

      I've met a lot of nice people there at the time when I was really using the site a lot, back when I was a student, and even visited some penfriends while travelling around Europe. But that was quite a long time ago, I don't travel that much anymore and I was getting a bit annoyed with a lot of irrelevant messages that I was receiving. So now I go there fairly rarely.

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      I've been subscribed to FluentIn3Months and IWillTeachYouALanguage for a long while now.
      Both often send me useful websites, apps, tips, tricks, etc. about language learning, but neither have ever suggested Polyglot Club before.

      But quickly looking at the front page, I suggest this is some kind of the language version of "meet new friends at an amusement park in the country we tell you to come to"-kind of organisation.

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        On 10/28/2015 at 9:36 PM, Blaveloper said:

      I've been subscribed to FluentIn3Months and IWillTeachYouALanguage for a long while now.
      Both often send me useful websites, apps, tips, tricks, etc. about language learning, but neither have ever suggested Polyglot Club before.

      But quickly looking at the front page, I suggest this is some kind of the language version of "meet new friends at an amusement park in the country we tell you to come to"-kind of organisation.

      It's not bad - you can organize meetings and meet new local friends, as well as natives to practise your language.

      But you are right that it's more of a "meet people" site rather than "ask questions or discuss languages online". At least, that's the impression I've always had.

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