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Singing literature


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I was watching a TV show the other day and an English teacher was telling the difficulties he had teaching Shakespeare. So he decided to make songs where the lyrics the key-points of Shakespeare. The students loved it and actually learned it! How do you see this?

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Music is definitely a good venue to learn a new language or even master one. This technique is actually not a bad idea at all. I would love to master some Shakespeare for sure.

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Teaching any subject through the avenue of songs is a great idea and one that I do appreciate. I remember this method being used by my History teacher in high school. The students looked forward to History class because it motivated us to learn and helped us to recall information quite easily.

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I believe that integrating music in teaching literature is a great way for students to learn the subject while enjoying it. It would be easier for them to relate to the subject as music has a subliminal effect on the subconscious. :smile:

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We have indigenous songs that teach a lot of literature to our fellow Filipinos and they are effective for College students. Some songs are very good and are thus preserved in our literature and others which though cannot be understood because of the language used are likewise good in the composition, tone, rhythm and other musical properties.

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I think that's pretty cool. I learned my times tables with a cassette tape that my mom bought for me when I was a kid, and it worked. I think music sticks out in our minds more than regular spoken words do sometimes.

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