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Duolingo, with a Grain of Salt [FERNCH]


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In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Duolingo is a completely free app available on web, ios, and android. You can check it out at Duolingo.com.  Its format is similar to that of Rosetta stone, but, of-course it's free, so it's not nearly as sophisticated.

Just so you know where I'm coming from, I have 4 years of French from high school, so I'd consider my skill range from intermediate-novice. I haven't taken the language since high school, which was back in 2008, so needless to say-- I've become a bit rusty.  Since I've started using the app this January, I've noticed a huge increase in my vocab, but not so much in my listening/conversational skills. If you’re looking to achieve fluency, you’re not going to do it solely through Duolingo, but it’s certainly not going to hurt. The convenience that the app affords lets you work on French no matter where you may be, whether you’re at the doctor’s office, on the toilet, in church, or playing on your phone in French class.

I’d like to hear if you more experienced guys have tried the app, and what you’d have to say about it, so please let me know!

(PS- If you’d like to add me on Duolingo, my username is ‘duct’… I’m up to level 9! :-D)

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I use Duolingo as well.  I share your situation.  I took four years of French in high school and one year in college.  That was many, many moons ago and I forgot most of what I learned. 

I am glad I found the app and I enjoy using it very much.  It is certainly more productive than most of the game apps out there.  I find Duolingo to be a great refresher for me but I agree that it does not help much with fluency.  As a matter of fact, when I try to watch a movie in French without the subtitles, I find that I cannot pick up most of the words. 

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  • 1 month later...

I just started using Duolingo a week ago and I'm loving it. I do sometimes have problems with understanding the difference between "il" and "ils", "nous" and "vous," but I have trouble with that in face-to-face learning. I can't blame the app too much.

I have a seven-day streak going currently! My big problem is I took five years of junior high and high school French, and then I took three semesters of German in college. I keep crossing vocabulary. Hopefully the app will help me sort that out.

(What is French for "the app," anyway?)

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  • 2 months later...

Duolingo is a great app for learning new vocab and that's basically how I use it. I would not recommend Duolingo for someone who is just starting with the language because it doesn't have too many grammar lessons and the listening and speaking parts are weak. Still, it's a great app, and it's free, so everyone should give it a try.

(What is French for "the app," anyway?)

The French for application is "application" and is usually shortened to "appli" to refer to smartphone apps.

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:amazed: I hadn't heard of this app. It sounds like something worth looking into. I'm definitely excited that it's free!  :laugh:  I don't know if I'd rely on it as my sole teacher, but I will check it out. Thanks for helping me discover it!

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I was just about to try it but since I am just going to start learning French from start, it wouldn't make much sense then. I don't know the French alphabet but I do know how to say I love you in French, that is about it.

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