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The Polyglot Dream, another polyglot blog


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The link above is for a blog by Luca, an Italian language fanatic. He shares various language-learning techniques including how to (here we go!) remember vocabulary : http://www.thepolyglotdream.com/forget-it-the-secret-of-remembering-words/

Take a look. His techniques may not work for everybody but they are based on years of experience.

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I wanted to post this blog but i see that it was already posted :D Anyway i want to up this because it is really interesting, he even has a youtube channel where he gives a lot of advices in addiction to the syte, it can really help a lot!

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I know this blog, I really like his tips and tricks, but I really hate his website.

Just open his website and you will be interrupted by:
1. A banner at the top (you can't remove it).
2. A big box begging you to subscribe (you can only minimise it).
3. A whole subscription wall.
4. (In some cases) a dark screen with a pop-up asking one more time to subscribe.

It's just annoyance at its best, it's very surprising people seem to come back to his site nonetheless.
Speaking of annoying: the comments section use infinite scrolling + "load more" button.

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Just solved most of the problems mentioned above.
I just used AdBlock Plus to block all of the annoying banners/walls/pop-ups, making his site a thousand times more pleasant to read! :D


Now I finally feel comfortable reading his website.

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I use adblock too! All those things are just annoying :) Now i can visit websites and watch movies without interrupting

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11 hours ago, Mameha said:

I use adblock too! All those things are just annoying :) Now i can visit websites and watch movies without interrupting

I know, adblocker is very handy for blocking anything unwanted (not just ads).
But I sometimes whitelist websites where ads aren't much of a hassle (like this website, which uses only 1 ad per page), and this site has no unwanted pop-ups of any sort.

But there are websites that just spam with ads AND annoying pop-ups AND cookie walls, these sites just deserve to be adblock'd.

Edited by Blaveloper
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My PC isn't so strong, i have an old processor and every ad, etc (i have more that one in one single page...) just make my computer run worse :(

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That sounds horrible, considering there are many web trends these days that will make your computer lag a lot.
I'm proud I don't use any of these, it's hipster technology any way. :P

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What a coincidence! I was searching for language learning related articles on google yesterday, and saw this article: http://bit.ly/25dgk4x

Generally, the article is about this 35-year old who speaks 11 languages and shares his tips to learn new languages. It really is the same guy as mentioned in the original post.

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2 hours ago, takibari said:

What a coincidence! I was searching for language learning related articles on google yesterday, and saw this article: http://bit.ly/25dgk4x

Generally, the article is about this 35-year old who speaks 11 languages and shares his tips to learn new languages. It really is the same guy as mentioned in the original post.

And for those like me who distrust short URLs:

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Thanks for sharing, I read the article on how to memorize vocabulary, but  he said nothing I hadn't heard before... too bad he didn't even share the stage 1 technique :P  No, thanks, won't be following such a greedy blogger.  He should at least share one of his techniques, so maybe the people will want to buy the book. 

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Ah, Luca Lampariello's method. Tried to use it when learning some japanese but didn't work, phonetically speaking japanese is very poor and pretty much a hell of ambiguity. I only think that japanese is only effectively learned by Kanji first, then sound flow afterwards.

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I haven't read his vocabulary post, but imo Luca Lampariello is one of the most impressive "youtube" polyglots in the world. The hallmark of his method is what he calls full circle translation (Full circle: Target language (source files) => Native language => Target language). This actually detailed out in the blog A Woman Learning Thai



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Aw, we have to buy his book to learn about his techniques. The article is great though and I think he touched up on the basics of language learning. I would check his YouTube channel out to learn more. I just wish that his contents were free although I do understand that's how he makes money. He had touched on the importance of repetition, which I think is very vital in learning new words or languages. Then, of course, the other factors like interest, association, visualisation and consolidation. I have read about these before but his affirmation is a great thing as well.

I checked other articles from his blog and I found one about learning hard languages. I loved his point in this one, he compared learning hard languages to travelling. He said that we must prepare for the trip before even delving into learning a new language. Like, if you speak Italian then it might be easier for you to speak Spanish because the two languages have close grammar and intonation. But if you're Italian and wants to speak Japanese, then the distance between the two language might be further and it might be harder to learn the latter. 

However, it can be done, but you must prepare for it. Maybe try and learn similar languages to Japanese that are closer to your language. I loved that... I think he's on to something. I might check out more from his blog. 

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