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    An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example "bad" is an antonym of "good".

    Antonym Examples:

    Achieve – Fail

    Idle – Active

    Afraid – Confident

    Ancient – Modern

    Arrive – Depart

    Arrogant – Humble

    Ascend – Descend

    Attack – Defend

    Blunt – Sharp

    Brave – Cowardly

    Cautious – Careless

    Complex – Simple

    Compliment – Insult

    Crazy – Sane

    Crooked – Straight

    Decrease – Increase

    Demand – Supply

    Destroy – Create

    Divide – Unite

    Drunk – Sober

    Expand – Contract

    Freeze - Boil

    Full – Empty

    Generous – Stingy

    Giant – Dwarf

    Gloomy – Cheerful

    Guilty – Innocent

    Hire – Fire

    Include – Exclude

    Individual – Group

    Innocent – Guilty

    Knowledge – Ignorance

    Liquid – Solid

    Lonely – Crowded

    Major – Minor

    Marvelous – Terrible

    Mature – Immature

    Maximum - Minimum

    Noisy – Quiet

    Optimist - Pessimist

    Ordinary – Extraordinary

    Partial – Complete

    Passive – Active

    Permanent – Unstable

    Plentiful – Sparse

    Positive – Negative

    Powerful – Weak

    Praise – Criticism

    Private – Public

    Problem – Solution

    Professional – Amateur

    Profit – Loss

    Quality – Inferiority

    Random – Specific

    Rigid – Flexible

    Segregate – Integrate

    Shame – Honor

    Simple - Complicated

    Single – Married

    Stiff – Flexible

    Strength – Weakness

    Sturdy – Weak

    Sunny - Cloudy

    Superb – Inferior

    Temporary – Permanent

    Timid – Bold

    Toward – Away

    Tragic – Comic

    Transparent - Opaque

    Triumph – Defeat

    Union – Separation

    Unique – Common

    Upset – Stabilize

    Urge – Deter

    Vacant – Occupied

    Vague – Definite

    Vertical – Horizontal

    Villain – Hero

    Visible - Invisible

    Wax - Wane

    Wealth – Poverty.

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Center Script Content

This is indeed a great list of antonyms.  Actually, I'm reviewing for a government service entrance examination and identification of antonyms is part of the examination.  Antonyms can sometimes be used for verbal analogy questions, particulary the single-word and double-word analogies.  Most of these antonyms are quite easy to remember, while there are some which takes time.  Thanks for this list!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's quite a long list of antonyms. Thanks for sharing. These may seem like  simple ones but it's very common to find yourself in a spot where you just can't come up with the one you want to use at the present time.

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