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      nikolic993's Log: L'italiano senza sforzo | Study Italian Jump to content

      nikolic993's Log: L'italiano senza sforzo


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      Ciao a tutti!

      I couldn't find a Language Learning Log sub-forum, so I thought I'd open one in the Italian language sub-forum.

      I have been learning Italian for 11 months now, 8 of those 11 as a compulsory subject in college, and only 3 months of self-study. During those 8 months I only learned some basic verb conjugations, how to count to 100, and some basic colloquial phrases. A couple of months ago the language bug bit me and I decided to take matters into my own hands. I'm studying the English language at a faculty in Novi Sad, Serbia. My exam period lasts till the 29th of September, so updates might not be so frequent until I'm done with the exams.

      In this log, I will be keeping track of my Assimil progress, amount of books read, amount of movies watched and I will be writing about words and phrases that I encounter and find useful, along with maybe some random attempts of writing in Italian.

      All corrections and suggestions are welcome!

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      Hi Nicolic

      Welcome to! It is really nice having you here!

      There is no sub-forum for Language Logs yet, that is true. However, I am willing to create this kind of sub forum if your log posts turns out to to be a success  :wacky: Please understand that there are already so man sub-forums on and some of them are rather empty, so I am cautious about creating sub forums on a daily basis :=)))

      If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. If you have basic suggestions about new forums or new features on, please let me know as well!

      Have a good day


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      Thanks for the welcome!

      I understand your concerns about sub-forums, but I think that opening a Language Log sub-forum as soon as possible would be a really good idea. It would certainly bring in more people and would give them another reason to be a regular member of the forum. I for example came back because of the fact that I wanted to keep a log.

      I only started posting yesterday, so if I think of some suggestions or find any problems, I'll let you know.  :smile:

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      Canzone del giorno:

      Negrita - Che rumore fa la felicità

      Ho imparato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 15/100 (+ uno lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 Podcast - Tutti convocati del 10/09/2014    1:20:48

      Ho letto:

      Il Signor Rigioni - Livello 1 (500 parole)    5/34 (+ cinque pagine)

      Ho guardato:

      Camera Caffè - S1E3    3:51

      Camera Caffè - S1E4    4:19

      Parole e frasi utili:

      amanti - lovers

      felicità - happiness

      coraggio - courage

      cura - cure

      righe - lines

      sotto il sole - under the sun

      rughe - wrinkles

      insieme - together

      dunque - therefore

      purtroppo - unfortunately

      camminare - to walk

      certamente - certainly; Of course!

      questo significa - this means

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      Canzone del giorno:

      Nek - Laura non c'è

      Ho studiato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 16/105 (+ uno lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 Podcast - Tutti convocati del 12/09/2014    1:16:20

      Ho letto:

      Il Signor Rigioni - Livello 1 (500 parole)    8/34 (+ tre pagine)

      Ho guardato:

      Camera Caffè - S1E6    3:37

      Parole e frasi utili:

      già - already;    Sei già qui?

      forse - perhaps; maybe

      coppia - couple (noun); Loro sono una coppia.

      chiedere - to ask (for, about); request

      albergo - hotel

      ottimo - excellent

      il impiegato - employee


      I made a couple of mistakes in the last post, but I couldn't edit them. I wrote "ho imparato", instead of "ho studiato" (learned vs studied), and Assimil Italian With Ease actually has 105 lessons and not 100. Camera Cafè is still hard to understand, they speak too fast and I only catch a few words here and there, and I get the gist of it sometimes.

      Here is the link to all the episodes if somebody learning Italian wants to watch it:

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      Hey Nikolic

      Does that mean you were not allowed to edit them? I think the problem is that you can only edit your posts for a pretty short time and then the system blocks the ability to change/alter posts. However, if you want I can change it for you and I will have a look in that matter and will allow users more time to edit their posts!

      Have a nice weekend!



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      Canzone del giorno:

      Fabri Fibra - In Italia

      Ho studiato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 17/105 (+ una lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 Podcast - Voci di impresa del    14/09/2014    13:30

      Radio 24 Podcast - Voi siete qui del        12/09/2014    20:03

      Ho letto:

      Il Signor Rigioni - Livello 1 (500 parole)    11/34 (+ tre pagine)

      Ho guardato:

      Camera Caffè - S1E7    3:37

      Parole e frasi utili:

      il mattino ha l'oro in bocca - "Ко рано рани, две среће граби"

      senza dubbio - without a doubt; undoubtedly

      mezze-verità - half-truths

      orfano - orphan

      pezzo - piece

      più o meno - more or less

      matto - crazy

      spesso piove - it often rains

      visitare - to visit

      evitare - to avoid; to dodge;

      fa troppo caldo - it's very hot

      umido - humid; damp; wet; moist


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      • 3 weeks later...

      Canzone del giorno:

      Eros Ramazzotti - Parla Con Me

      Ho studiato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 18/105 (+ una lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Assimil Lessons 1-17 (Revisione)

      Ho letto:

      Il Signor Rigoni - Livello 1 (500 parole)    34/34 (finito)

      Ho guardato:


      Parole e frasi utili:

      laggiù - over there

      cartolina - postcard

      frigorifero - refrigerator

      sedie a sdraio - deckchairs

      prendere il sole - сунчати се

      cameriera - housemaid

      campanello - bell

      comodino - night table

      doccia - shower

      vasca - bathtub

      pulito - clean

      asciugamano - towel

      coperta - blanket; cover;

      cuscino - pillow


      Exams are over, I'm back on the grind.

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      Canzone del giorno:

      Fabri Fibra - Su Le Mani

      Ho studiato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 19/105    (+1 lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 Podcast - Tutti convocati del 1/10/2014    1:21:03

      Ho letto:

      Pasta per due - Livello 1 (500 parole)    Capitolo 6/16 (+6)

      Ho guardato:

      La Meglio Gioventu (2003)    -    circa 45 minuti.

      Parole e frasi utili:

      bugiardo - liar

      aperitivo - drink

      sud - south

      moglie -wife

      buttare - to throw


      I will be attending the polyglot conference in Novi Sad (10-12th October) . I'm looking forward to hearing the presentations. Some of the more famous speakers are: Professor Alexander Arguelles, Luca Lampariello, Alex Rawling and Conor Clyne.

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      Canzone del giorno:

      Adriano Celentano - Susana

      Ho studiato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 20/105    (+1 lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 Podcast - Voci di impresa del 29/9/2014    10:52

      Ho letto:

      Pasta per due - Livello 1 (500 parole)    Capitolo 8/16 (+2)

      Ho guardato:

      La Meglio Gioventu (2003)    -    circa 20 minuti.

      Parole e frasi utili:

      gita - trip; excursion

      sostare - to stop; halt

      prevedere - to predict; to plan ?

      purtroppo riparto.. - unfortunately I'm going back ..

      Stai calmo! - Be calm!

      Stai fermo! - Don't move!



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      Canzone del giorno:

      Toto Cutugno - L'italiano

      Ho studiato:

      Assimil - Italian With Ease 21/105    (+1 lezione)

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 Podcast - Voci siete qui 3/10/2014    21:08

      Ho letto:

      Pasta per due - Livello 1 (500 parole)    Capitolo 16/16 (+8)

      Ho guardato:

      La Meglio Gioventu (2003)    -    circa 30 minuti.

      Parole e frasi utili:

      Ride bene chi ride ultimo! - "Ко се задњи смеје, најслађе се смеје!"

      Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano! - "Slow and steady wins the race!"

      mentre - while 

      fare la spesa - go shopping

      padella - tiganj

      scortese - rude



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      • 3 weeks later...

      Canzone del giorno:

      Joe Cassano - Dio lodato per sta chanche


      Assimil - Italian With Ease 24/105

      Ho ascoltato:

      Digitalia #253 L'incapace di 10/10/2014 01:39:52

      Europa24 -  Around ten 5 minute news reports.

      Ho letto:

      Dov'e Yukie - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)


      Currently reading "Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)". I'm gonna start going over an Italian grammar book in a couple of days when I print it out.

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      Canzone del giorno:

      Gli occhi della strada - Lord Bean Feat. Inoki e Joe Cassano


      Assimil - Italian With Ease 24/105

      Ho ascoltato:

      Non ho ascoltato niente tranne la musica. (SP?)

      Ho letto:

      Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)


      Attualmente sto leggendo "Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)".

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      That's fantastic and it is a great language to learn. Italians speak with their hands and are full of expression but what a place it is to go if you can impress the locals with your Italian skills. Great choice and good luck.

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        On 11/4/2014 at 12:35 PM, NATASHA said:


      That's fantastic and it is a great language to learn. Italians speak with their hands and are full of expression but what a place it is to go if you can impress the locals with your Italian skills. Great choice and good luck.

      Ciao! Mi piace l'italiano perchè non è molto difficile per pronunciare e scrivere, e anche perchè mi piace la musica italiana. Grazie mille.
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      Canzone del giorno:

      Eros Ramazzotti - Più Bella Cosa 


      Assimil - Italian With Ease 29/105

      Italian Grammar Made Easy 26/178

      Ho ascoltato:

      Radio 24 - Tutti convocati  01:18:24

      Ho guardato:

      La meglio gioventù

      Il commissario Montalbano - Il ladro di merendine EP1

      Ho letto:

      Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)


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      Song of the day:

      Bitza - Vorbeste vinul 

      Not Italian, but a great song.


      Assimil - Italian With Ease 29/105

      Italian Grammar Made Easy 26/178

      Movies & TV Shows:

      La meglio gioventù

      La vita è bella


      Il commissario Montalbano EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)


      Watched "La vita è bella" tonight. Great movie, it sent a strong message. Finally bought a laptop and now I'm downloading more movies and TV shows. Next on my to watch list: "Gomorrah", "Il Tredicesimo Apostolo", "Il Giovane Montalbano", "Cinema Paradiso", "Il commissario Montalbano EP2".

      I also started working on an Italian - Serbian cognate list today and this is what I got so far:

      pantalone = pantalone

      torta = torta

      stalla = štala (for horses etc.)

      babbo = bāba (slang for father)

      ma dai = ma daj

      dai = daj

      principessa = princeza

      sapone = sapun

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      • 2 weeks later...

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      Song of the day:

      Marčelo - Novi Vavilon 

      One of my favorite Serbian rap songs.


      Assimil - Italian With Ease 32/105

      Italian Grammar Made Easy 26/178

      Movies & TV Shows:

      La meglio gioventù

      La vita è bella


      Il commissario Montalbano EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

      Articles and Online Texts with FLTR:

      Don't break the internet - La Reppublica


      Started using this great program called FLTR (Foreign Language Text Reader). You can copy and paste any text you want into it and you can highlight the words you know or don't know (Level 1-5, Unknown, Well know (Different color for each)). The words change color and are saved for review later. An online dictionary loads up when you click on a word, and you can even add your own translation. When you paste a new text, all the words that you encountered in the earlier texts will be highlighted in the new one. You can use it for multiple languages and the words that are the same in the other language won't be show, basically you start from scratch in every language Here is what it looks like:


      You can download it for free from this link, and the installation and set up are quite simple:

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      • 2 weeks later...

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      Song of the day:

      Eros Ramazzotti - Cose della vita


      Assimil - Italian With Ease 38/105

      Movies & TV Shows:

      5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

      4. La meglio gioventù

      3. La vita è bella

      2. Il commissario Montalbano EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

      6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)


      Talked to a friend from Slovakia on Skype yesterday. He speaks around 11 languages fluently and we talked in Serbian, English and Italian. I made a couple of mistakes while speaking Italian and I couldn't remember some words, but nonetheless I was able get my point across.

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      Song of the day:

      Fabri Fibra - Che cazzata


      Assimil - Italian With Ease  PW:43/105 AW:2/105

      Movies & TV Shows:

      6. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP2 -  La voce del violino

      5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

      4. La meglio gioventù

      3. La vita è bella

      2. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

      6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)


      Started a bit earlier with the Assimil active wave, I couldn't wait till lesson 50 as it was recommended.

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      Song of the day:

      Johnny Cash - Hurt


      Assimil - Italian With Ease  PW:45/105 AW:4/105

      Movies & TV Shows:

      7. La Grande Belezza

      6. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP2 -  La voce del violino

      5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

      4. La meglio gioventù

      3. La vita è bella

      2. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

      6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)


      I stared practicing simultaneous interpreting a couple of days ago, since I decided that it is the career path that I want to take. I'll be getting my master's degree in English in 3-4 years if everything goes according to plan, and because it is such a demanding job, I felt that I needed to start preparing for it as soon as possible. For now I'm trying to get up to 20 minutes a day (ENG-SRB + SRB-ENG).

      In this recording I made a lot of mistakes and mumbled a lot, but it's gonna be interesting to look back one day and see how much I advanced.



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        On 12/16/2014 at 11:52 AM, nikolic993 said:

      bolded = new

      Song of the day:

      Johnny Cash - Hurt


      Assimil - Italian With Ease  PW:45/105 AW:4/105

      Movies & TV Shows:

      7. La Grande Belezza

      6. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP2 -  La voce del violino

      5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

      4. La meglio gioventù

      3. La vita è bella

      2. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

      6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)


      I stared practicing simultaneous interpreting a couple of days ago, since I decided that it is the career path that I want to take. I'll be getting my master's degree in English in 3-4 years if everything goes according to plan, and because it is such a demanding job, I felt that I needed to start preparing for it as soon as possible. For now I'm trying to get up to 20 minutes a day (ENG-SRB + SRB-ENG).

      In this recording I made a lot of mistakes and mumbled a lot, but it's gonna be interesting to look back one day and see how much I advanced.



      I studied translation & interpreting. However, I always focused on translation rather than interpreting. Not because I didnt like it, it's just really really difficult. However, I think it is a very interesting job, but as you mentioned before, it is very demanding too. Anyway, I wish you all the best in your 'quest' to become an interpreter! You can earn good money as an interpreter, that's for sure. :grin:

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        On 12/16/2014 at 12:05 PM, linguaholic said:

      I studied translation & interpreting. However, I always focused on translation rather than interpreting. Not because I didnt like it, it's just really really difficult. However, I think it is a very interesting job, but as you mentioned before, it is very demanding too. Anyway, I wish you all the best in your 'quest' to become an interpreter! You can earn good money as an interpreter, that's for sure. :grin:

      Thank you very much! One of the reasons I want to become an interpreter is because it is such a lucrative job. If that fails or I change my mind (hopefully not), I can always fall back on working as a teacher. :)

      Did you have trouble interpreting into English because of German syntax? If I'm not mistaken the verb in German sentences is usually at the end, so I suppose you had to wait to hear the entire sentence in order to translate it?

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      Song of the day:

      Indila - Dernière Danse


      Assimil - Italian With Ease  PW:46/105 AW:4/105

      Movies & TV Shows:

      7. La Grande Belezza

      6. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP2 -  La voce del violino

      5. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP2

      4. La meglio gioventù

      3. La vita è bella

      2. Il commissario Montalbano S01EP1 -  Il ladro di merendine

      1. Il Tredicesimo Apostolo S02EP1

      Books, Graded Readers & Magazines:

      7. Mafia, amore & polizia - 3 Livello (1500 parole)

      6. Amore in Paradiso - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      5. Maschere a Venezia - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      4. Fantasmi - 2 Livello (1000 parole)

      3. Il Signor Rigoni - 1 Livello  (500 parole)

      2. Pasta per due - 1 Livello (500 parole)

      1. Dov'e Yukio - 1 Livello (500 parole)


      Today's Italian reading practice:


      Finalmente il grande giorno

      Così, qualche giorno fa sono arrivato a Milano,

      ti lascio immaginare com' ero emozionato.

      Il giorno fissato per il colloquio mi sono svegliato prestissimo.

      In realtà, non era affatto necessario, perchè l'appuntamento era solo alle tre.

      Mi sono alzato lo stesso alle sette, mi sono lavato i capelli, mi sono fatto la barba, mi sono vestito e mi sono pettinato.

      ..Insomma mi sono preparato con tanta cura che i miei amici mi hanno chiesto se il capo del personale era una donna!

      Mi sono presentato all'appuntamento con un buon quarto d'ora di anticipo; e quando mi sono seduto nella sala d'aspetto, mi sono accorto che avevo un calzino blu e uno marrone!

      Figurati come mi sono sentito imbarazzato.

      Ancora adesso mi domando se qualcuno se n'è accorto!

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