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Hardest language to learn?


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For me, any language that has a character version, like Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Russian, Hebrew, etc. are the hardest ones to learn. Because not only do you have to learn the basics, but you also have to memorize what those complicated images mean. Compare that with English, Spanish or Tagalog and the simple ABC is a lot more easier to learn.

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Latin is consisted of multiple moods, tenses, declensions, conjugations, and genders - all of which are heaped upon countless grammar rules, exceptions, and different ways to translate. The difficulty of learning Latin also includes relentless barrages of vocabulary terms, which form the very foundation of Latin understanding. You can have one word for the noun "bird", but two dozen words for the verb "strike" since each word had a different connotation and - according to the Romans - had to be used in a very specific way. Take into consideration, also, the thousands of idioms and metaphors the Romans loved to use and you have a very difficult language to properly and effectively translate.

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I think it really depends on what languages you have been exposed to before, but I believe that my native language of Amharic is one of the most difficult languages to learn. I think it's difficult for many people to grasp. I read an interesting article that mentioned Amharic in the top 10 most difficult languages to learn. Here is a link to it:


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I think that French is the hardest language for me to learn. I have tried to learn it three times and I have not yet grasped how words work together. I love this language and I hope that I will find a good teacher one day who will assist me learn it.

I too have tried learning French and I agree with you on this one. For me, the tricky part was pronunciation. There are rules, true, but somehow it just never worked for me. French also has a complex preposition system and no cases (I find languages with cases easier than those without as then it is harder to determine the functions of the words in a sentence).

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In my opinion, it depends on your native tongue and I read it depends on your mandible structure too but I don't know how true that is. Being an Asian, the hardest language for me to learn is French. I watched French movies before and listen to French songs. I just can't pronounce some letters like "R"  :grin:

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