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The Norse connection, why you might know lot of Scandinavian words


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So many of you know that the Vikings traveled around the world, in their longboats.

And most/many naval and marine expressions and words stem from these times. But not only are they naval expressions and words they have crept into language all on their own in many cases.

Now also the Scandinavian language/s have changed  since year 800, but the words and meaning are still there today.

Norwegian of today:

Topp seil, akter, styrbord, babord, bord, bakke, mast, ror, styrepinne, spinnaker, anker, landgang, reive seil, seile, bardun, dekk, esing, reling og ripe, stavn, kjøl, skott, jibbe, rå(rær), baute (gå baut/ gå over stag).

Gå over bord! 

Bakke opp.  (English) Taken aback.  meaning the sails were blown backwards into the mast.

Norwegian: kjøl , Danish: køl, Swedish :köl, Islandic: kjölur, old Norse: kjòrl , English: keel, German: kiel, French: quille, Spanish: quilla, Italian: chiglia, Estish: kiil.

What word do you recognize in your language? Or is there a saying that you have not thought about that are naval?

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Great thread!

I can recognize some of it. In German, we do have Anker and Landgang. What is the exact meaning of Landgang in Norwegian? I guess Anker and Landgang actually have the exact same meaning in both languages (and the spelling is the same as well!).

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