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Frustrated about Duolingo translations.


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I am using , as  I am sure of you are too.

But The translations to English in both French ,German and a couple of other  are not correct, or they do not recognize correct solutions.

Sometimes we use things in English speak and learn things that is not entirely correct, and sometimes you cannot really translate the word, even though it sounds similar the meaning alter. And like some of the languages that English is based on( we all know it has heavily borrowed from other languages through time), its not correct to translate word by word, and sometimes meaning is implies in the arrangement of the words.

You learn to know what Duolingo want from you, but its still not correct.

Anyone else finds this frustrating with online teaching?

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Yes, this is a problem with Duolingo and other online language learning methods. Of course, the best way to learn a language will always be to have face to face contact with another human being who speaks the language fluently. I have found Duolingo has quite a good "Report Issue" functionality and they have accepted some of my suggestions when my translation has been marked as wrong. Having said all that, the most frustrating lesson on Duolingo (Spanish) was imperfect subjunctive where I got marked as wrong for missing out a comma!  :angry:

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I have recently started using Duolingo and the translations are my biggest issues. Whenever the computes is saying words like sommes/ pommes I am unsure if it is that they are saying somme/pomme as they seem to be pronounced the same way. Nothing is as ideal as having a native teaching the pronunciations though.

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I met someone from California who had her work translated from Swahili to English. She used the services of Odesk to hire a translator who did the work remarkable. You can have the language translated for you at a small fee if you continue to struggle with it. Besides, It will be easier to learn the language that way.

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